Chapter 19: hes so dumb

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I told my mum that sky agreed to come over for dinner and she was so excited, like I never seen her so excited about a friend coming over before. Okay well I don't know if me and sky are friends but you know what I mean.

It was 5 o'clock and I was done setting up the table and my mum said that the lasagna would be ready in 10 min and that I could go upstairs and get myself ready a well.

I was honestly nervous and I wasn't sure why. So I did the one thing that will calm me down. I called Lisa.

"What's up doll face."

"Hey Lisa. I'm nervous, Sky is coming over for dinner and I don't know what to wear."

"Are you serious oh my god what did he say when you asked him?"

"Well I asked him and he acted all weird about it and he said yea.. Should I wear black tights and my red jumper?"

"Oh my gosh." She starts laughing." I wish I was there to see his face and no not that, to comfy. Do you still have those ripped blue skinny jeans?"

I placed my phone on my bed with the speaker on and rummaged through my closet.

"And then what did he do?"

"He did a weird smile and his ears turned red. Oh yea I do have them, okay and which shirt should I wear I kinda want to be comfy I mean it's just Sky that's coming over."

"Awww he's so dumb." She laughs and her comment made me laugh too. "Wear the black jumper with holes in them. The one you wore for my birthday last year. And for accessory the black choker I gave you."

While she was talking I was finding  my jumper and necklace.

"Okay found it."

I changed and got ready while Lisa was talking to me about her day and how there are new animals at the shelter and how I should go over to meet them.

I checked myself in the mirror and I didn't know how to react. My only nice jeans that fit me so well are loose and I have to use a belt to hold it up and my jumper looks so baggy but it still looks nice on me.


"What? What happened does it lookgood take a picture and send it to me women!"

"Okay give me a second."

I took 5 pictures and only used one that only showed my outfit and not my face and deleted the others.

"Wow you look hot. Sky will love it."

I blushed at the thought of Sky finding me attractive and not sweaty for once. I wonder if he will like it. I shook my head at the thought. Oh why do I care about his opinion he's probably seen better since he's so attractive himself I bet he hangs out with attractive girls so yeah he's seen better.

"Stevie you still there. Don't zone out on me through the phone."

"Oh sorry thanks Lisa I got to go know it's almost 6 I'll talk to you later."

I hanged up and checked if i was still red in the face. Nope good, I don't like wearing makeup so I went bare and brushed, well attempted, to brush my hair and left.

It's 6 exactly and sky was already downstairs laughing with my mum and oh my gosh did he look so gorgeous.

He had his hair to the side and he wore a black Button up shirt and dark blue jeans and black shoes. We almost matched which is weird and unexpected.

"Wow Stevie you look nice." Sky said smiling at me.

"Oh thank you, you do too." I said blushing and looking away.

I heard a click and a bright light and looked over to see my mum taking pictures.

Oh my gosh I'm going to die of embarrassment.

"Mum please don't do that."

"No Skylar get closer I need pictures of this moment."

He did as he was told but I can tell he looked uncomfortable.

"Place your arm around her and you too Stevie. The faster you guys go the faster we can eat."

My mum took a lot of pictures and I felt so warm and I was shaking and I think Sky noticed because he would squeeze my arm to tell me to relax and I did, well tried. After that moment I noticed that sky smells really nice and intoxicating.

My mum asked her questions about me and how I'm doing and if everything is good. Skylar was either hiding how annoyed he was or he probably didn't care but he answered all of her questions and I didn't say much so I just ate my food and got lost in my thought.

"Is that true Stevie..Stevie?"

"What?" I said monotone and not really listening.

"Stevie are you okay."

I looked at my mum with lifeless eyes and looked at Skylar.

"Mm" I blinked my eyes, straighten myself out and looked back at my mum.

"Oh sorry what was the question again."

My mum looked worried and disregarded the question and I saw Sky observed what I did.

After that everything went fine and when my mum wasn't looking sky would steal some of my food and and I would fork fight him and try to protect my food which made us both laugh.

It was 8 and sky need to go home so I walked him out while my mum stayed in to clean.

"Thanks for coming over Sky." I said hugging myself.

"Yeah." Was all he said.

I frowned a bit at his response.
"You're welcome Stevie. Thank you for inviting me to your house for food that your lovely mum made me and it was delicious." I said with a deep voice imitating his deep man voice while scrunching up my eyebrows.

"I don't sound like that."

I scoffed but we didn't speak after that. And we made it to his car.

"Thanks kid. I'll see you later..oh uh no training tomorrow."

" oh why not?" I asked tilting my head.

"Lisa said she wants you to go somewhere with her I don't know so I'll see you later."

"Oh okay."

Neither one of us moved or talked but we continued to stare at each other.

"You looked very beautiful tonight Stevie." He leaned in and kissed my forehead.

I stood there unsure on how to respond but he was already in his car driving off.

Yay I'm making some progress in my stories. I hope people are liking it. Let me now.

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