Chapter 18: i want you

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That incident with Lisa was a week ago and today was Monday which ment it was gym day.

I didn't see much of a difference in my body unless I'm standing on a scale and I lost 6 pounds which made me extremely excited. What I'm doing is working I'm actually doing something that is working and it's not involving me throwing up or putting me in the hospital. Well, with the way Sky is working me out might as well.

I walked downstairs from my rooms placing my hair in my usual pony tail and found my mum sitting on the table reading something.

"Hey mum." I said slightly startling her. I guess she didn't hear me approaching because she crumples up the paper and places it in her bag.

"Hey sweetie how are?"

"I'm fine. Are you okay?" I asked concerned. It's been a while that I've talked with my mum. Like a real conversation since summer started our schedule didn't match up.

"I'm fine just work things you know. They need me at the worst time but I'm always happy to help and I can't say no."

"Just don't over work yourself mum okay." I went over and hugged her from behind.

"Speaking of over working when will I meet the famous Skylar again...uh what's his last name again?"

I took a pause trying to remember but know that I think about it he ever told me.

"I'm not sure, he never told me."

"Well that settles it, I have to meet him properly. Invite him over for dinner tonight I'll be making my lasagna for him."

"I'll ask him but he will say no he's a meanie."

"Oh shush. He was a gentleman when I meet him."

"He was faking being nice."

"Have faith in people okay. Every rose has thorns."
"Come on kid just a bit faster you're almost done."

I went a bit faster on the treadmill and it got more easier for me to go at the fast speed. I don't get tired as much and I'm really trying hard.

"And your done."

"Oh sweet Jesus if I went on I think my legs would have fallen off." I wiped my brow and massaged my aching thighs.

"That I would love to see."

He laughs at my response and went to grab my bag. I guess we are done.

"Hey Skylar."

"Yeah? What's up?"

"Do you want to come over later for dinner."

His back was towards me and I heard him take in a breath and went tense. He turns around and stares down at me.


I suddenly forgot how to breath.

"Well I uh my mum wants to talk to you and do an update on me that's all." I blushed actually hearing my reason. Maybe I am a child. "You don't have to go I'll just tell-"

"Okay I'll be there at 6."

We both walk out the gym, before I say bye to everyone and them all hugging me back.and I didn't think he would actually accept my invitation.

"Really?" I asked once we got in his car.

"Yeah, really. What you don't want me-."

" No I want you."

Wait that came out wrong.

"I mean I want you to go if you want my mum is making lasagna and it's good."

I looked over and he was staring at me with a goofy smile on his face.

"What are you doing with your face."

I saw a soft blush on his ears and looked away.

"Nothing yeah whatever I'll still go it's no big deal okay." He cleared his throat and turned on the engine and drove off.

I Watched Skylar as he drove and he looked so focused and serious. He truly is handsome just his attitude makes him a meanie.

"Kid stop staring at me."

"I'm not."

He laughs. Which made me smile. "You're a bad liar."




"Right, sky uh what's your last name."

"Why do you want to know?"


After that he didn't reply and we already made it to my house. I got out of the car and grabbed my stuff.

"Bye Sky, see you tonight."


"Uh bless you." I asked confused tilting my head.

Sky looked like he was trying to hold back a smile.

"No, that's my last name. It's Bearson, tell anyone and I'll break you."


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