Chapter 14: hug him

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At the moment I was in the girls bathroom pacing back and forth in a random stall. I was yanking my hair gritting my teeth. I need to calm down I can't cry. I can't show weakness here. Minutes later I hear screaming and a women's voice.

"You're a fucking asshole."

I stayed quiet and folded my arms towards my chest trying to not shake as much. The same voice came again but more softer.

"Um Stevie? Are you in here? Don't worry I'm not going to hurt you." The voice sounded sincere but I was to scared to reply. Why do I have to be such a scaredy cat.

"Um my name is Maggie but you can call me mags if you like." I heard footsteps move towards me and stopped right in front of my stall I looked down at the shoes. They were black running shoes.

"I heard what happened and I gave that piece of shit a piece of my mind. I'm sorry you had to go through that." She paused for a moment, " I've never seen him like that before though."

My shaking came down and I was more relaxed. I breathed in through my nose and unlocked the door.

Wow she was pretty. Pixie hair cut that's dark like a Raven and creamy skin. And if I looked closely she had a hint of freckles on her cheeks. She was a bit taller than me by a few inches but the way she presents herself made her look tough.

She had on a muscle shirt that showed off her sports bra and black spandex. And she had a sweet but devilish smile.

"There you are." She said with a sweet smile. As I stepped out she gave me a secure hug.

I felt awkward but wrapped my arms around her.

She moved back hands still on my shoulders. "How you feeling?"

"I'm okay now."

"Good. Now come on."

I panicked I wasn't ready to face him yet I need more time.

" wait I'm not ready."

She looked at me and rubbed my shoulder calming my nervous.

"Don't worry I just want him to apologize to you before moving forward."

"Why are you helping me?" I tilted my head.

She gave me a sweet smile, " You remind me of someone dear to me."

She pulled me outside and again some people were staring at me. I pulled my arm back to my chest with blushing cheeks.

The big scary guy and Skylar were having some stare off and josh was in between them giving them a nervous smile and a laugh to match it.

"Come on guys just shake hands and hug." Poor josh.

Maggie went right up to the men and pushed josh away from Skylar and was now in between them facing Skylar. Her hand on her hips.

"Apologize to her now." Woah with the way she ordered him made me want to apologize to myself.

Skylar growled at her and clenched his fist and jaw. But Maggie wasn't scared at all. She wanted him to test her. She held her ground and held his glare.

"Now. You know I will do it. I won't hesitate."

I watched as his face went blank and his eyes went wide. I was confused as to what they were talking about but I stayed quiet a bit worried as to what she will do if Skylar didn't apologize.

"Hey I-it's fine really," I stuttered trying to forget this silly argument. " I'm used to it please let's just forget it." I waved my hand around and giving them a smile showing them I was fine.

Skylar blinked his eyes and rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry."

He looked at me right in the eyes and apologized. Everyone was again whispering while others went on with their workout. I almost forgot we were in a gym.

"I forgive you." Nodding my head.

Maggie seemed content with the out come.

"Stevie do you want me to help you out instead. "

"What?" My eyes went wide for a moment at her offer.

"If you want of course I can be your personal trainer if you're more comfortable with that. Dip shit here can be a bit tuff with the girls and don't know their limits." She said casually.

I looked down and thought about it. But I already had my answer. As I was going to reject her offer I see Skylar walking away towards the door with his gym bag.

"I'm sorry Maggie, I don't want to be rude but I'm going to have to reject your offer. I would like to stay with Skylar like we planned. If that's okay with you." I played with rim of my shirt and Maggie smiled at me knowingly and shook her head.

"I understand. That's fine, but make me a promise," I nodded my head as I grabbed my bag, feeling my arms sore in some parts, " promise that if he gets angry again. Hug him, he's just being an ass because he doesn't know how to express his feelings. And if it wasn't obvious he was jealous of josh. I'll see you soon."

And like that she walked away with one last hug. I say good bye to josh and the scary guy who's name is Ted. And ran after Skylar.

I see he's in his car and made my way in the passenger seat and clicked on my seat belt.

"What you didn't take her offer?" He asked sarcastically rolling his eyes.

I shook my head. "I told her I would stay with you."


"Because I promised I'd stay with you."

"Hm." Was all he said and gave me a soft look. For a moment we just stared at each other. He had such lovely eyes but held sadness. Those dark blue eyes held so much secrets and I wanted to know them all no matter how bad they were.

"Let's get you home, kid." He cleared his throat and began driving.

"I told you to stop calling me kid Skylar."

"You know you can call me sky if you want."

"Oh really?" I heard Lisa calling him sky before but I thought it was to casual to call him that.

"Yeah it's no big deal." He shrugged his arms with a bored look on his face.

"Okay, thanks sky." I said smiling.

And for the first time ever he actually smiled back. It was so lovely and genuine I can stare at him all day.

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