Chapter 28: calm down

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These past couple of days Skylar have been disappearing for a couple of hours and I would ask him if things are okay and he said I shouldn't worry about it.

And because of his disappearance there is no gym day today. Yesterday when we left the gym he seemed quiet but I didn't want to bug him about it.

I wasn't sure what I'm supposed to do so I just laid in bed scrolling though Instagram and noticed that it was 8:35 in the morning,I should be at the gym.

I should try going to the gym on my own I thought.

I heard the house phone ring down stairs and waited for my mum to pick it up and continued to stare at my phone.

"Mum can you pick up the phone please." I yelled.

The phone stopped ringing. I creased my eyebrows and shrugged my shoulders.

Then the phone rang again and I groaned.

"It's fine mum I'll get it." I said again opening my door. She still didn't reply, she's probably exhausted and wants to sleep.

I go downstairs and pick up the phone.

"Hello this is the Anderson's, Stevie speaking." I said scratching my back.

"Stevie hey it's dr. Highland." Said a mans voice.

"Ricky hey, how's it going." I said smiling.

Ricky highland is my mums doctor and a childhood friend. She would talk about him sometimes and would say how of a nice guy he is and so funny and charming. When ever I felt sad I would ask her to tell me stories of them when they were younger because the way she talked about him was pure love. Even though she tells me she doesn't love him that way, I would ask her why not, but she would tell me she just can't.

But secretly I know she loves him and wants to go on a date with him. That sparkle in her eyes are so bright and real, it makes me feel safe and helps me believe that love exist,

"Everything is good, how are things with you and your mum?" He asked.

"Uh, everything is good." I said unsure on what he means.

"Oh really that's good. Is she there at the moment."

I looked at the staircase and raised one eyebrow.

"I think she's still sleeping, probably tired from working so much."

"Work?" He said surprise in his voice.

"Uh yeah work she's going in early and she would come home late so I let her sleep in as much as she can."

"What? She's not suppose to work she's to sick." I can hear his voice getting angry and hear him mumble something and it made me nervous.

"What do you mean Ricky..." I said feeling my chest get heavy." My mum is sick." I whispered

Ricky didn't respond to my question and I fisted my hand and I gritted my teeth.

"Is there something your not telling me Ricky." I said screaming." Answer me."

"Stevie calm down." He said soothing me." Things are going to be okay."

"What do you mean Ricky, are things bad right now what aren't you telling me what's wrong what's happening, what's wrong with my mum." I was in tears practically screaming at the phone.

I hear foot steps and I see my mum looking tired and dark bags under her eyes and her face pale white.

"What's with all the screaming." She said her voice croaky and nervous. I guess she wasn't expecting me to be home.

I couldn't stop the shaking but after time I didn't feel it anymore.

"Mum are you sick." I said trying to keep my voice steady but in reality, I'm trying not to break down.

I know what he meant but I want her to tell me.

She stares at me and looks at the phone. She tried to make an excuse but she let out a shaky breath advancing towards me.

"Stevie there are things I'm not telling you-"

"Obviously." I said flinging my arms in the air.

"Sweetheart please calm down."

"If you are not going to work where are you going." I wiped my face waiting for her to answer.

She looks at me and she grabs my hand...she's so cold.

"I've- I've been meeting up with dr highland for the past 2 months because.." She looks down and I saw tears drop. " I have cancer and- baby mommy doesn't have much time."

My heart is breaking.

"Are you serious." I asked hoping this is just a nightmare and I'm going to wake up soon.

I closed my eyes but I can still hear her crying and so I squeezed my eyes shut even harder shaking my head.

"Stevie baby please relax." I felt her arm on my back soothing me.

"I can't." I whispered." You were keeping this from me, you- we tell each other everything. You can't just leave me." I was shaking and I wanted to hit something.

"Sweetheart please calm-" she stopped mid sentence.

I opened my eyes and I noticed her go quiet and she fell to the floor not breathing.


"Mom please wake up."

I cried for her to wake up. I heard a distant voice and made it to be Ricky still on the phone.

"Ricky please get help my mum isn't breathing please Ricky."

"Help me."

"Help is on the way Stevie."

"She can't leave me."


I like to post my stories then check for mistakes later.

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