Chapter 26: hot dogs and cotton candy

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It was the next day and Skylar and I made it to the fair around 7 at night.

There was so many people here. Kids running around laughing elders holding hands with their love smiling and people rocking out to music. And the smell, oh gosh.

"Everything smells amazing." I said smelling the air.

Skylar just shrugged his shoulders and continued to look around.

"Skylar relax a bit. Just have fun." I said lightly.

He looks at me giving a stern look but I hid my nervousness and smiled at him.

He sighed, relaxing his shoulders. " okay fine whatever."

We started to stop and look at the booths. There where variety of them, cloths, jewelry, food, free stickers, which I got. And a lot of games.

I wanted to play a couple games so I made sure I brought my wallet.

"If you want something or want to play anything, I'm paying so don't worry about it." Skylar stated.

"What, why? No I brought money I can pay its fine."

"No don't fight me on this." He said staring me down but he was restraining himself to not get angry.

I really didn't want him to pay for me but I didn't want to be to stubborn. So I let him.

We both played a game where you have to pop 3 balloons with 3 arrows and if you pop all three then you get a big prize, if you pop 2 you Win a medium size prize and if you pop one or none then you win a small stuffed animal.

Skylar had a go and only popped 2 balloons he looks at me and smirks.

"Beat that kid." He said waving his bubble bee stuffed animal in my face.

I went up and grabbed the arrows. I searched for a ballon that were bigger than the rest and steadied my hand. When I was ready I flicked the arrow and popped one ballon. I searched again and flicked my second arrow. I steadied my Hand and searched my last ballon... I really want that big brown teddy bear.

I found the ballon I wanted and quickly flicked my hand and heard the marvelous popping sound.

"I want the big brown bear please." I said sweetly.

I hugged my bear that was the same size as me and looked at Sky. "Cute bumble bee." I said smirking.

We then walked to the big fairis wheel.

"How did you do it, kid?"

I laughed at he curiosity. "Practice."

"Practice? On what."

"At home my mum hates spiders so I would be the one killing them with a shoe or with anything close to me. Through time I got really good at it."

"Must have been hard." He said as he helped me in the round cart. I placed my bear down as if he was sitting like a human and shrugged.

"At first it was but it got easier." I said smiling.

"When did your dad leave you."

I paused and looked at him. I don't ever talk about my dad, Lisa knew the story so she knows it's hard for me to talk about him.

I thought back to that day and I felt my heart tighten.

"I was 4."

"Do you know why he left."

I looked out as I noticed that we where going really high up." He didn't want me." I responded.

"That can't be true." He said shaking his head.

"It is, he said it himself." I answered not looking away from my view.

"He wanted a boy and but instead  he got a girl and worse a fat chubby girl...he was embarrassed. He tried to love me but he just couldn't. He would not let me eat any Food for hours and would make me walk everywhere and forced me to lose weight...I was 4 when I figured out what he was doing and my mom would sneak me donuts and pizza..... My dad found out and went off at my mum." My hand automatically went to my tummy.

I imitated my dads deep voice " you can't possibly expect me to love that kid. Look at her she's big and unhealthy looking and all she wants to do is sleep, put her in a sport." My voice cracked. But I didn't stop talking. I memorized his last words before he left. " I bet that girl isn't even mine but another mans kid. She is not mine I don't what her I wanted a boy not her." I wiped away my tears and started to laugh.

"I'm sorry this is sad, I'm sorry." I said covering my face from him so he wouldn't see my ugly face.


I looked at his face from between my fingers.


"You are the most beautiful girl I ever met." He said getting close.


"Your dad is an asshole for making you feel like this but he's wrong. And is missing out on knowing an amazing girl." He held my hand in his, and it felt nice.

"You're so much more than what he sees," he said looking down at our hands," you're much more than your looks. You're funny and kind and always looks at the best in people. You bring people joy and you never give up."

He starts to chuckle a real chuckle and squeezes my hand.

"You're beautiful Stevie and I might like in like you like you."

I wiped my tears and look into his eyes. They were so warm and held the same look as when we first met months ago. He was so close and I felt his warmth my heart is beating so fast and it won't stop.

I don't want it to stop.

I gotten so used to the cold that his warmth is so relaxing and new.

I like this feeling a lot I wanted to feel more of it.

"Skylar." I said quietly.

He leans in and-

"You said my name." I pointed out.

"Wha-" he said.

"You didn't say kid, you said Stevie that's a first." I said smiling and laughing.

He rolled his eyes. "Is that all you got from my long speech."

I laughed at his reaction. He likes me..but for me and he doesn't care about how I look. He's difficult but he's a big softy that I can't unsee.

I grabbed his head and I leaned in kissing him. I wasn't sure if I was doing it right but he Kisses back and held my waist.

His lips where a bit chapped and he tastes of hot dog and cotton candy.....over all he was delicious.


My not so perfect bodyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora