chapter 3 " I plan on losing-"

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" So when can the training start? " I asked Lisa as I unbuckled my seatbelt 

"I'm not sure yet. I still need to talk to my cousin to see if he is..willing to do it." she said unsure.

"What do you mean?"

"My cousin can be a bit of an asshole."  She eyed me nervously.

"oh. As long as he helps me lose the weight, I don't care how rude he is. It won't bother me." I chuckled while reaching the door handle and getting out of Lisa's car. I turned around to look at Lisa. "Just give me a text, okay?" I didn't wait for her to respond and started to speed walk it to my front door. I took out my key, unlocked my door turned around to see that Lisa already left. I breathed out and entered my house. I made sure the door was locked very good. My mom always had a thing about locking the door. I guess she's a bit paranoid that my dad will come back or something and take me away from her.

"Mom! I'm home."

"In the kitchen dearie." I heard her soft motherly voice come from the other room.

I removed my sweater and headed to the kitchen. Even though it's just us two, we lived in a two story house with four bedrooms. Mine being on the right side of the house and my moms being on the left side. Since I'm getting older my mom thought I needed my personal space. Which I was okay with.

"Hi mom"

"Hi sweetheart. How was your last day of school?" I walked in on her making dinner for us. "It was fine." I responded. I sniffed the air and knew she was making her famous lasagna. "smells good mom."

" I know dearie, it always does."

My mom and I are really tight. I guess not having a man in our life brought us close together. I considered her my best friend, besides Lisa of course. She's  a beautiful women being 34 years old but looks like she's in her mid 20s. Long brown hair, but always has it in a braid that went down to her elbows, Brownish hazel eyes and light skin like mine. Looked flawless with or without makeup. She's so caring and understanding not just to me but to everybody she meets. I felt lucky to have her  in my life. And even though I try to push her into dating she insist that she's happy being just us two and doesn't want to change that.

"Go wash up and set the table, please."

"Yes ma'am." I said saluting her making her smile.


"So any plans for the summer sweetheart? Any crazy drinking parties?"


"Any hot dates with a ,like, totally hot guy?"

"Mom!" Is she serious. I can feel my face getting warm.

"Planning on falling in love and having sex with a totally hot guy?" she said fluttering her eyes at me.

"MOM!!" I screeched feeling my cheeks burning up.

"What I'm just taking guesses sweetie. I have a feeling this summer is going to be life changing for you and I want you to go try new things " she said giving me a small smile.

"Well I don't think me going to a crazy high school party is not something I want to try out. Thank you very much." I said knowingly as I bit into the  lasanga. Seriously what does she put in this.

She started to laugh at my response "Well then, what exactly are your plans for the summer than."

I wasn't sure if I should tell her about my idea with Lisa or not. I didn't want to upset her but I knew I had to tell her, she's my mum. I mumbled my response while shoving food in my mouth.

"sweetheart don't talk with your mouth full. It's not very lady like." She said throwing a piece of lasanga at me. I missed it at the last moment and swallowed my food. "Good, now tell me again."

I took a deep breath and looked at her " Okay, so um, this summer I'm kinda planning on losing-"

"No." She replied quickly and sharply and finishing up her plate. Got up and went to put her plate in the sink.

"But mom-"

"No buts Stevie Henry Smith. We're not going to repeat of what you did last time." Her face held so much anger and sadness she couldn't even look at me while she was talking to me. " I can't lose you again Stevie."

"No mom, Lisa is going to help me." She stayed quite for a moment."Really?" she said looking unconvinced.

"Well her cousin. She said he is a weight trainer and is moving and staying here from New York. She could ask him to help me lose weight just for the summer. Please mom." I got up to put my plate in the sink and looked at her pleadingly.

"I don't know Stevie." She looked down and stayed quiet for a long time really thinking about her decision. I was to scared to talk, or breath. I really need her approval its not like I'm going to still do it even if she said no. I'm not that kind of person. If she says no, then I will not do it at all. She works so hard for the both of us and we been through so much I don't want to see her suffer anymore. I know everything she does for me is for the best.

"If you promise me you're not going to over do it this time-" is she approving..

" Oh my god, thank you, thank you, thank you. Yes, I promise to the moon and back." I hugged her tightly and started to spin her. She was a light lady so I easily picked her up. I love this women so much. She laughed at my actions and made me put her down. " Okay don't get all mushy with me. I'll be expecting updates every week." I only nodded and washed my plate and hers and put them away quickly. "Okay good. Now lets call it a night. I'm going to bed I have work in the morning." she said yawning and stretching her arms.

"But tomorrow is Saturday."

"Try telling that my boss."


writing a story is so nerve wrecking. but here's chapter 3  :)


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