Chapter Twenty-Seven - Home At Last

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Alex's father had to peel herself away from Douglas. She wouldn't let go. She couldn't let go. Douglas's eyes had gone dull, the life that was ripped away from him had already slipped away from his soul. His clothes were soaked with his sticky blood, still warm. His limp body fell off of her lap as her father put his arms around her waist and carried her kicking, screaming, and crying ass out of there.

Jesse's body that lay only a few feet from Douglas, Alex couldn't care less about. She hated his guts and she couldn't count how many times that she wanted him dead.

"L-Let me g-go!!!" Alex screamed, her arms outstretched and legs kicking. "Let me go!" she sobbed, soon slowly relaxing in her father's grip before fully going limp, sobbing historically.

Douglas, the man that save all of their lives by risking his own, was being left behind to rot alone.


Once Alex had gotten home, she was greeted by everybody. She of course was extremely happy that she was home but she couldn't get Douglas's dead body image out of her mind. She was immediately greeted by Sky who jumped in her arms not caring that she was full of blood then Joe, Hope, and Phil. Lastly Dan was dumbstruck, staring at her through tired eyes. He slowly walked towards her as her friends split apart.

"A-Alex?" Dan stuttered softly and hesitantly, "Is it really you?" he asked in disbelief, taking another step towards her.

Alex smiled weakly and nodded quickly. "I hope so." She chuckled, her eyes still full of tears though she didn't know if they were happy or sad.

Dan smiling widely, ran over to her and in a split second, wrapping his arms around her waist and lifting her up. Alex giggled softly as she wrapped her arms around his neck and wrapped her legs around his waist. "Holy shit Alex it is you." he whispered, their foreheads resting on each other.

She smiled widely as she closed the gap between their lips, kissing him very softly. Dan of course, kissed back passionately.

As they pulled apart, Dan's eyes flickered over her face, "You're so fucking beautiful." He cooed softly and a dark red blush spread up her cheeks.

"Get a room!" Hope shouted over all the aw's and oh's from her friends and father. Everyone burst out laughing and even Alex chuckled weakly, the darkest red of blush rested upon her cheeks. But how could she be so happy when Douglas's family was suffering?


After a hot shower to wash off all the blood from herself, she felt good as new. She put on her familiar clothes and ate a nice dinner with her friends and family. It was a nice, happy, night. After she got out of the shower, Dan never left her side. Just as dinner ended her father pulled her away from everyone to talk to her but she knew what he was going to ask.

"Are you okay baby?" he asked in a worried tone, he ran his large hands along her shoulders, his bright blue eyes flickered around her face for any sign of discomfort.

Alex took in a shaky breath, hugging herself in her large cotton sweater. "I-I'm fine..." She answered shakily but after a second she broke down, looking up at her father and shaking her head, "No..." She whispered weakly, tears started to seep through her eyes.

Her father wrapped his arms around her and brought her into a hug. "I'm so sorry sweetheart." he cooed softly as Alex buried her face in his chest breathing in a very shaky breath. "Was that actually him? Was that actually Jesse?"

Alex had completely forgot that her father had not known about Jack or Jesse. He was in the dark about anything that happened.

She weakly nodded into his chest and her father nodded in response. "You don't need to explain baby I know what he is capable of. I know what he did to you the night of the party." he whispered.

"Pa..." She cried, "It was worse than last time. Every single day dad... Everyday." she whimpered hopelessly.

"I'm so sorry we didn't come earlier honey." he whispered and Alex could hear the pain in his voice. "But he is gone now and is never coming back." He cooed softly, rubbing her back in circles.

Alex knew that of course but still. She couldn't forget what has already been seen. Nothing that happened in those three weeks is something that she could just put away in the back of her mind.

A few hours later, Hope reminded Alex that she had to go back to California and she helped her pack all of her stuff and they said their goodbyes before she called a taxi and left. After everyone got back inside from saying goodbye to Hope outside, Sky fell fast asleep on the couch, snoring loudly along with Phil.

Joe had said his goodbyes at the same time Hope did, walking down to his apartment. Her father, realizing that Dan and his daughter needed to talk alone together, told them he was off to bed.

It was just Alex and Dan, Standing together in the hallway. Dan's fingers were intertwined with hers and his dark brown gaze fixed gently on her. They didn't need to speak, it was just them being together.

"I wish I could have killed him myself Alex, I really do. I'm sorry what happened." He whispered softly.

Alex nodded softly as she looked down, she couldn't tell them that Jesse killed her brother and so many other people that she knew and loved. So she had to hide it, only she knew. She didn't know where Jack was, but she knew that he was somewhere safe. Hopefully...

"I don't care anymore Dan." she whispered weakly, "It's over..." She said, her gaze looking up to him.

With that, Dan pulled her close and kissed her lips softly. Alex was happy. That's an understatement; she was ecstatic.


Ha ha ha...

HAPPY ENDING!!!! I guess...

I'm sorry if this book took a violent turn but my life did and so did my writing.

But, I guess, thank you for reading The Brown Eyed British Boy.

It sucked I know, this was my first book on wattpad, I promise I'm getting better though :D

If you love Dan Howell and you like adopted by books, go read my book Adopted By Dan Howell!

Thank you so fucking much for reading my books, I'm actually working on publishing a real book into the real world right now and thats all because every chapter I write I get better and everybody who reads my books power that!

Though I know that I am phandom trash and shit, I'm getting better...

Baiiiiiiii ;3

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