Chapter Ten - Pushing Dan Away

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  "Oh come on baby..." Dan cooed as he walked towards her and evil smile on his face.

  Alex's eyes were filled with tears, they streamed down her face. "D-Dan please no." she tried to yell in a strong, loud, voice but it came out as barely a whisper.

  Dan snickered as he kept walking closer, he was only a feet feet away. He was in only his boxers, no shirt, no trousers.

  Alex's mind swirled with thoughts of how she could escape. Her eyes quickly darted to the left and made an attempt to escape but Dan's hands were already on each side of her. He leaned down close to her face and whispered in her ear, he was so close she could feel his hot breath in her ear, "You can't escape me now." he cooed.

  Alex's heart was pounding against her chest, "P-Please Dan t-this isn't y-you." she managed to say, her voice cracking.

  Dan smirked "Than you didn't know me at all." he snickered and leaned face to face with her, he stared her straight in her eyes. She didn't see the flicker of love that she normally saw in those beautiful brown eyes, only hatred.

He was right. She just met him. What the hell was she thinking?

  She closed her eyes as she waited for it all to be over. Alex don't be a fucking pussy, fight back! A little voice whispered in her mind. She opened her eyes, her hand shaking she lifted it up and slapped him in the face. Hard.

  He yelled in pain and he stumbled back a few feet. He put his head to the side, his hand cupped his check. When he pulled his hand away she saw a huge red hand mark. She smiled to herself, she was so proud of herself that she had forgotten to try to escape. She shook in fear as Dan's voice screamed at her, "You fucking asshole!" it seemed to shake her bones. She shivered with fear as Dan ran up to her and slapped her multiple times across the face.

  Alex screamed out as she suddenly sat up in bed she was hyperventilating, her heart pounding against her chest and her palms sweaty. She looked around confusion swept across her. This wasn't her room? It wasn't Dan's ether. Where was she?

  Then she remembered. It all happened. She sighed as she looked over at her phone on the nightstand that read a million texts from Dan. She went onto her phone, tapped his number and blocked his number. She then threw her phone across Joe's bed frowning.

  Joe suddenly erupted from the hallway. "Are you okay?" he asked panic in his eyes and words. He was breathing hard and he looked like he had a bed head. She smiled at that he cared so much about her even though he had just met her.

  Joe quickly evened out his breathing, he out a hand to his chest and sighed out of relief, "Thank god." he whispered staring at the ceiling as if praying to god.

  "Did you sleep on the couch?" she asked him. Joe straightened up, he looked over at her and ran a hand trough his quiff, "Yeah," he answered.

  She frowned, "I'm so sorry I should have slept on the couch." she said shaking her head at herself averting her gaze to his bed.

  Joe smiled, "I was perfectly fine," he said, "How was your sleep?" he asked her.

  She smiled a little, "It was great." she said. She decided not to tell him about the nightmare.

  "Come on, lets go eat some breakfast." Joe said smiling.

   Alex jumped out of bed and Joe and her walked into the kitchen. Joe made them both porridge topped with blueberries and brown sugar. It is amazing. "You know you really didn't have to make this for me." Alex said smiling at him while they sat on his counter eating out of their bowls.

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