Chapter Seventeen - Getting Ready For The Date

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Alex groaned as she woke up to Skylar's hand pawing at her face. "Come on its the weekend!" Alex mumbled under her breath as she swatted her hand away. It came again after a minute or two her small cold hand tickling under her nose.

Alex sighed, "Alright fine." Alex groaned as she sat up and swung her legs off the bed.

Hope was sitting on her chair in the corner in Alex's phone holding it up to her face with a smirk on her face. "What?" Alex asked as she stared at Hope in confusion. Alex turned to her side to see Sky sitting on her knees with a cocky grin on her face.

Still, Hope held the camera to her. Alex had a feeling that she was video taping, "You look like your boyfriend." she said and giggled.

A small curious smile spread across her tired lips, she jumped out of her bed and ran to her mirror. She laughed out loud, way more loud than she wanted to. On her nose and cheeks were long cat whiskers. And they were drawn in sharpie.

"Wow. Now I'm going to a date with cat whiskers on my face." She sighed and chuckled, looking back to her friends.

Hope and Sky snickered. "We can make you guys match!" Sky cooed while wiggling her eyebrows.

"Or you could dine in at his house." Hope said while wiggling her eyebrows too, "If you know what I mean."

Since Alex turned twenty Hope and Sky kept making sexual jokes and remarks about Dan and her. "You guys never give up do you?" She scoffed playfully.

"Not until you two have sex-" Sky started but Hope kicked her foot, "Ow!" She exclaimed.

Alex rolled her eyes as she put it aside and walked to her closet and grabbed a T-shirt and jeans. Then shaking her head, she put the jeans back and grabbed sweatpants.

"Oh no!" Hope shouted, "You are not going to wear sweatpants on your date with Dan are you?"

"Yes I am." Alex responded looking at Hope challengingly.

"Oh no you aren't." Sky said as she jumped up from the floor and ran to the closet. After a second of two she came back with a long white dress with diamonds here and there.

"No!" Alex yelled, "You know I'm not a girl." She frowned then tried again, "I'm not a dress person."

"You are today my good friend." Hope said, grabbing the dress from Skylar then shoving it in her hands. Then with a soft push, she shoved Alex into the bathroom and shut the door behind her.

Sighing in defeat, Alex slowly and regretfully pulled on the dress. She had always looked terrible in a dress, through everyone told her that she looked amazing, she has always ignored them. She herself always thought of herself as a tomboy was wasn't afraid to get her hands dirty. So at banquets or dances, when she was forced to wear a dress, she always hated it.

After Alex got the dress on and she looked at herself in the mirror, she groaned to herself. "Come on guys! I look like a fucking clown!" she yelled to them through the door.

"Come out of the bathroom Alex, I'm sure you look beautiful!" She heard Hope yell from her room.

"Yeah! You've got to look beautiful for your big night tonight! Let's hope he bought cond-" Sky yelled teasingly, but she was cut off by what Alex thought was Hope elbowing her in the stomach, "OW!" She heard Sky exclaim loudly. Even though they couldn't see her, Alex's cheeks flushed a dark red color.

She didn't know why she was going on this stupid date after what had happened. she felt that it had gone all too quickly. she just moved her about sixth months ago anyways. And after what Dan had done to her, although she knew he had a good excuse and plus she really did like him, but she couldn't just forget what had happened that night. Everything seemed so perfectly fine until...

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