Chapter Twelve - Forgivness

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  Alex walked in to see her father still working hard at the same table. This time he had a half eaten sandwich and a coffee mug. He reached out and grabbed the white mug and took a sip from it, his eyes still glued to the screen, then set his mug down and started typing again. She shut the door behind her, accidentally making it louder than she wanted. Her father looked up at her, with a big smile on his face.

  She cursed under her breath as she started to walk up to her dad, carefully tossing her backpack into her room onto her bed before walking up to her dad, and sitting across from him. She really didn't want him to see her scratch and bruise so she kept her head down. "Alex." her father said, "Get your head up." he said.

  Shit. He knew something was wrong. She lifted her head up slowly.

"Who hurt you?" he asked suddenly as he stared at her scratches on her head.

"Pa no one-"  she started but he cut her off, "Those are claw marks from a human." he said, "And who cleaned you up?"

  She sighed while she stared him hard in his dark blue eyes, "Father, I tripped and fell on the way out the door and bruised my forehead." that was true, "and accidentally ran into a girl, who scratched my face." she finished. That was all true, she knew if she lied that he would break her down until she told the truth.

  Still staring into his dark ocean blue eyes, she raised her eyebrow at him playfully, distracting him from the last question. He stared back, narrowing his eyes. "You didn't answer my last question, Alexandra Elizabeth Smith." he said, using her full name for effect. Great. Her secret is gone.

  She narrowed her eyes at him hard, she could tell the truth about this one, "I ran into someone who helped me clean up."

  "Who?" he asked, his eyes still narrowed.

  "A friend." she replied she knew that she was going to lose.

  "What was their name?" he asked.

  "Joe." she whispered softly holding his gaze. Her father nodded leaning back in his chair, looking away from her.

  "You aren't going to ask about him?" she asked him.

  He shook his head, "I know everything about Joe, Dan, and Phil." he said calmly. Great. He looked them up.

   She shrugged and leaned back in her chair too. "How was your first day of school?" he asked her.

She smiled a little, knowing if she told him about the girls he would most likely kill them.  "Interesting." was all she said.

  "Dad." she whispered to him.

  He looked up at her and nodded allowing her to speak.

  "What did Dan say? You know when he came over." she said looking up at him.

  Her father took a deep breath, "He explained what happened last night, why he did it, but he told me that he wanted to tell you personally." taking a breath before continuing, "I know when I was in high school, I thought I knew what love was, but I was wrong. She dumped me that little bastard... But Lex." he said getting himself back on track, "I think you know what love it. And you have it waiting for you down the street when you accept it and forgive him."

  Alex nodded a little amount of tears collected in her eyes but she brushed them off and focused, her father continued, "I am not happy of what he tried to do to you, but I think that you just need to give him time to explain."

  She nodded and wrapped him into a hug, "May I go out this afternoon?" she asked him.

  "With Joe?" he asked her. She nodded against the hug, "Be back by ten." he whispered.


  Only about an hour has passed and Alex had finished homework and had gotten ready for her afternoon with Joe. She was wearing the same black ripped skinny jeans with a new white shirt with a drawing of a wolf on it. She sighed as she glanced at her watch, it read four thirty. Great, just enough time to go see Dan.

  She had thought about what her father said and she was ready to listen to him. She tucked her phone into her back pocket, slipped on her vans and black hoodie and made her way out of her room and then to the apartment door.

"Bye dad love you!" she yelled behind her as she opened the door.

"Love you too! Be careful!" he called after her.

  She shut the door behind her as she made her way into the lift, her mind racing.

  The lift's doors opened after a few minutes and she walked out and straight towards Melissa. She leaned against the desk. 

  Melissa smiled up at her, "Alex! You look nice today, maybe a little too nice." she said, "Who was that boy you were with this morning?" she asked her smirking, raising her eyebrows at her.

  Alex rolled her eyes, "Lisa, he's just a friend." she said shaking her head smiling. Melissa smirked again, "Oh please, I saw the way he looked at you." she said and waved her hand towards her.

  Lisa knew her too well, "I'm going to go talk to Dan, Lisa." she says, she knew that she could trust her, she had talked to her about it. She gasped, "Okay! Go on and good luck!" Melissa said and pushed her along outside.

  Melissa was only thirty something years old but she had the mind and heart as a fifteen year old. She laughed and smiled, "Okay okay.." she said and started to walk towards Dan's apartment, hoping that this wouldn't be a mistake.

  After a while of walking she finally reached Dan's apartment door. She hesitantly hovered her hand in front of the wood door. Thoughts swirled around her mind as she stood there, her hand frozen in thin air. There were low voices coming from inside. She could hear Dan and Phil and.... a girl...

  She sighed bringing her hand into her pocket just standing there staring at the door. She started to turn away her shoulders sagging and took one step forward. Then stopped. Quickly she turned and knocked loudly and boldly. Her heart raced, did she really just knock?

  Only after a few seconds the door opened and Phil was standing there. His face was very shocked. Alex slowly looked up at him, "Can I talk to-" she started but a girl appeared and right after Dan appeared. The girl had blonde curly hair with pink tips. She had a gap between her teeth when she smiled and she had a short pink dress. Her eyes narrowed as she looked over at Dan.

  He was wearing the same clothes as the last time she saw him, they looked very dirty. She could tell by his dark circles under his eyes and his eyes red that he was very depressed and he hadn't slept in days. His hair was still messy and she couldn't see the light in his beautiful brown eyes anymore. It pained her.

No! He's with another woman Alex!

  "Alex-..." he started but Alex looked down at her feet.

"I knew that this was a bad idea..." she sighed and walked away slowly, her feet trailing behind her. She walked inside of the lift pressing the number one. The doors started to close before a hand stopped it.

  She raised her head slowly to see Dan standing there. He stopped in front of her and wrapped his arms around her in a warm hug. He was way taller than her, so her face just came above his shoulder. She hung limp in his arms before she finally wrapped her arms around him.

  "I'm so sorry Alex, that wasn't what it looked like, that was just Louise, my friend." he quickly explained, tiredness showed in his voice.

  "Dan..." she said pulling away from him and looking away from him.

"Can we start out as just friends and then see how it goes from there?" she asked him, she could feel his eyes burning a hole into her.

  Dan quickly nodded, "Of course." he said a tiniest bit of smile across his face.

  The lifts doors opened, "And Dan..." she said as she started walking out of the lift then turned around to him.

"Thank you. For caring." she said staring into his eyes.

  Dan didn't reply he just blinked and smiled, nodding his head. The lifts doors closed and Alex started walking towards he apartment. A permanent smile on her face.

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