Chapter Eight - The Forceful Kiss

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  Dan and Alex were packing together in her room for the weekend while her dad was getting ready for his business trip in the other room. She threw one of her black suitcases onto her bed but cringed in pain as her wrist twisted around in a full circle. She gritted her teeth and squeezed her eyes shut holding her wrist in her hand.

Dan was by her side in less than a second, "Are you okay? Do I need to get your pills?" he asked staring at her worriedly. Through gritted teeth she shook her head and started breathing in and out slowly, calming herself down.

Finally she was okay again, "I'm fine." she whispered.

She knew it was hard for Dan, her not talking like she used too. She only spoke in small sentences or words, or just not speaking at all. But she knew that he loved her and he was watching over her all the time. Dan let out a big breath and kissed her forehead. She walked slowly into her closet and grabbed a few shirts and bras then walked over to her dresser and grabbing two pairs of black skinny jeans and tossed them into her bag. Dan walked over to Alex with a smile on his face, but he still looked tired and stressed.

"Are you ready?" he asked, she just blankly nodded.

She walked over to her dad's room, he was limping towards his dresser and grabbed a pair of boxers before throwing them into his big red suitcase. He was dressed up fancily in a black suit with a bright blue tie. Alex was staring at the ground, her arms wrapped around herself, leaning against the door post. When her dad saw her he immediately limped over and wrapped his arms around her, careful not to hurt her ribs and wrist

  Five years ago, her father had lost his leg in Afghanistan. She was only fourteen years old, and he was going to be gone for two years in Afghanistan for his Air Force service , and in the first year a bomb came out of nowhere and blew off his leg. He now wore a fake, plastic one.

  "You better be careful driving there pa." she said in her normal american accent. Her dad just nodded, she knew that he knew that he understood.


About thirty minutes later, Dan and Alex had just gotten out of her fathers car and walking into Dan's apartment complex.

"Don't have too much fun!" her father called from the car smiling.

Dan smiled curiously, "Thanks dad." Alex called back, smiling weakly.

Dan chuckled and carried her bag into the lobby and into the lift. After a few seconds they walked into the hundreds of stairs and into his apartment.

  Dan led her into a spare room that was next to his. He set her stuff down and smiled at her, "I'll let you get settled." he said. Alex stared at the room before moving her gaze over to him, she didn't want him to go but she just nodded.

  Dan then left the room leaving her alone. She didn't do anything except laid down and pulled the  white covers over her. She closed her eyes and fell asleep in a cocoon of warmth.


She woke up to the smell of pancakes and eggs. She yawned and stretched her arms out in air, as she slowly sat up. Today was Saturday, she had nothing to do today, like she could do anything with her broken ribs, wrist, and fingers.

There was a quiet knock  at the door, "Good morning, love." Dan said smiling. He was holding a tray with a plate of pancakes and eggs and a glass of orange juice.

She smiled more brightly, "Morning." she said pulled her messy brown hair into a low bun.

  Dan smirked as he sat down the tray on her bed in front of her. "What's with the smirk?" she asked cocking her head like a dog.

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