Chapter Fifteen - A Very Happy Birthday

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"Sky. Go." was all Alex said before Brittany got up and grabbed her mouth again. "Shut the fuck up!" Brit yelled in her face.

  Before Sky could run and Stephanie grabbed her short boy hair and yanked her back. "If you go and get help, you can join your little friend." Stephanie whispered into her ear spitting while she did.

  That. Was. It.

  Nobody hurt her friends. She once again she bit down hard on Brittany's finger and didn't let go until Brittany yelled in pain again. She let go and stared at the damage she had done. Ever since she was little, when she slept she would grind her teeth making them sharp points. She didn't know she did until her mom told her that she did too.

  Brittany's finger had blood rushing from it, covering her hand in blood. Alex smirked and balled up her fists tucking her thumbs in her fists before swinging a hard punch at her. Brittany stumbled back before tripping over her long dress and once again falling on her ass.

  Stephanie let go of Sky, and Sky fell forward onto her hands and knees and stayed there. Stephanie turned towards her her arms crossed, "Looks like the little rat wants to fight back." she spat her eyes narrowed, "You will n-" she started but Alex cut her off with a hard punch in the jaw.

  "I'll never be like you?" Alex said finishing her sentence, "I never want to be. And I never will be." Alex spat in her face smirking. She bent down and took her phone from the ground before swinging her backpack over her shoulder again.

  She kneeled beside Sky and brushed her side bangs from her eyes, "Are you okay?" she asked her carefully. Wearily, Sky nodded slowly and Alex offered her a hand. Gratefully Sky took and her hand and Alex led her outside and they headed towards their apartment.

It only took a few minutes to get back, when they did, Alex walked straight by the desk and into the lift. She felt bad for ignoring Lisa but they had to get up stairs. Sky hadn't said a word since Stephanie grabbed her hair. Alex hoped she was okay. What if that triggered bad memories? What if- Her thoughts were cut off by the lift dinging.

  They walked out of the lift and into the apartment. Alex walked quickly into her room and shut the door behind her with Sky inside with her. Alex threw her backpack onto her bed and flopped down putting her hands on her face sighing.

  Sky laid next to her and turned to face her, "Who were they?" she asked in a soft voice.

  Alex uncovered her face and glanced over at Sky before staring up at the ceiling. "Stephanie Diamond and Brittany Grumman." she said and sat up, "You can't tell anybody what happened okay?" she said to Sky.

  "But-" she started but Alex cut her off.

  "They won't tell anyone because they are too scared to get suspended, because they already hurt us." She explained, "We can deal with it ourselves right?"

  Sky smiled and nodded, "We are independent women!!!" Sky exclaimed in a funny voice, laughing.

  Alex made a weird face before laughing too, "Come on lets go get some food." Alex said and walked out of her room before walking into the kitchen.

  Her father was doing some work on his computer at the table so Alex and Sky ate at the counter. Sky bit into a peanut-butter sandwich and swigged some apple juice while Alex took a big bite of apple while talking to her dad.

  "What case are you working on dad?" she asked him as she looked over at some paper work then at his computer screen.

  "You know I'm not supposed to tell you Alex." he mumbled not looking up from his work.

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