Chapter Nineteen - Tending To Jack

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"Where is he?" Alex pressured Jack. If he was bringing a message to her from him, he would sure know where he was hiding. If Jesse found her, he would kill her. She barely escaped last time, how could she this time? He would be more experienced this time. Jesse would absolutely not let her go this time. She would be his prisoner, his slave, his anything he wanted her to be.

"If I knew, I would tell you, trust me princess." He snickered, "I want him dead just as much as do." He sighed, looking up at her, his baby blue eyes full of sadness and regret.

"How did he give his message to you?" Alex pushed, getting more irritated at how he wasn't telling her anything that she wanted.

Jack closed his eyes and rolled his head back. He let out a long and evil sounding laugh. "You're a smart girl Alexandra, how about you figure it out?" he chuckled as he rolled his head back to her. He sighed when Alex didn't say anything.

Jack gritted his teeth together and closed his eyes tightly in pain as he rolled his side off of the tree he was leaning onto. Alex recalled back and jabbed the knife towards his neck to tell him not to come any closer.

Jack rolled his eyes as he held a hand up to her, "I'm no threat to you love." he reassured her but it he didn't do much reassuring, but for some reason she trusted him.

Alex loosened her grip on her knife and dropped her hand to her side, though still gripping the knife in her hand. A sly smirk slid onto his lips as if her were planning something. "Good girl." He cooed softly before he paused and turned around to where his back was facing her. He hung his head forward, pointing towards a bump behind his ear and under his skin.

Alexandra reached out and ran a finger over his red, smooth, skin where the bump was. Jack flinched at her touch and glanced at her nervously out of the corner of his eye. Alex saw the nervous glance and quickly pulled her hand away, muttering a sorry. She didn't want to hurt him surprisingly. "What is that?" she asked softly, under her tongue.

Jack turned back to her, standing on one foot and leaning against the tree again. "A type of messenger." he whispered softly as he stared into her eyes gently.

"A-And that's how he-.." Alex started but stopped herself when she saw him nod.

She looked down at the ground before back up at him. Jack's face dropped. Did he feel sorry for her?

"Listen, Alex, I'm really sorry..." Jack mumbled as he held onto his broken ribs, "He said he would kill me if I didn't do what he asked."

Alex nodded. She understand why he did it, but so many things were going on at the same moment, her brain couldn't process it. All the terrible things he did to her in that room, it petrified her and she would never be the same. She barely escaped before he beat her to death, he would finish the job when he found her.

"Alex..." Jack whispered as he walked over to her with a bad limp. Instead of grabbing the knife, stabbing her and running, he hugged her. His good arm wrapped around her and brought her close to him. And just as surprisingly, Alex hugged back.

She was careful not to hurt him as she wrapped her arms around him loosely. She buried her face in his shoulder, tears slipping onto his jacket. She tried to stop it by squeezing her eyes shut, but it only made it worse.

"What did he do to you that makes you so scared of him?" Jacked whispered softly.

Alex took a deep breath as if to prepare herself of what she was about to say. "H-He raped me..." she stuttered slightly, "And he beat me."

Alex swear she heard Jack growl but she didn't think much of it. "I didn't know..." he whispered softly.

Alex didn't know what happened to Jack, but right now, he was her closest friend.

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