Chapter Twenty-Two - Waking Up

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The black void that filled Alex's vision seemed to be lighting up ever so slightly. Her first sense that came back to her smell, mold and mildew. Second to come back was taste, dry and stale. Third to come back was touch, freezing cold all around her. All she could hear around her was rustling and the sound of water dripping onto a hard surface slowly. Last of all, her sight came back.

She was laying on her side on a stone cold floor that was ice cold to the touch. As her eyes slowly fluttered open, she saw a tall gray wall before her. When she tried to move her hand to brush her hair away from her face, she found that both of her hands were tied behind her in a tight scratchy rope.

Alex took in a deep, shaky breath before letting it out. She tried to swallow but her throat was so dry that there was no more saliva in her mouth. After the attempt to swallow, pain shot through her throat, making her let out a cough and roll onto her side more. She coughed up a pile of blood with something chunky mixed in with the dark red liquid.

After all the blood was out of her mouth, she attempted many times to sit up but every time she fell back onto her side, into the bloody mixture. Finally on the eleventh try, she managed to sit up an her rump. Her body was so weak, she had to sit there for at least five minutes to retain enough energy to turn her neck to look behind her.

There was no wall behind her as she noticed but long, thick, bars that ran from the ceiling to the floor. They were made out of metal as it looked like that had started to rust. As she squinted her eyes enough to see through the darkness she thought she saw a human figure, standing straight against a wall and the faintest bit of light peaking through a long slit right next to two large feet.

That was the door, that was her escaping route.

Alex then turned her head back, hanging it down and slumped her back slightly. Her stomach rumbled reminding her of her sharp hunger pains in the pit of her stomach. Finally, she built up enough courage and strength to speak. "W-Where am I?" she whispered in a shaky, scratchy voice causing her to cough again and spit up another ball of bloody spit.

The human figure did not answer at first which made her think that there was actually no one there but after a long wait, a dark deep voice rumbled from the other side of the room. "You're in your new home miss." He spoke slowly in an almost polite tone.

Instead of answering, because she knew she wasn't going to get anything else out of him, she sat there, hanging her head and thinking. A shiver ran through her spine as she thought of what Jesse had planned for her. Instead of freaking out, she took a deep breath before rolling onto her side and then up onto her knees, during the process, she turned around to where she was facing the man figure.

Her weak body slumped again on her knees and took a long time to regenerate before she got up enough strength to stand up. She felt as if she would collapse any second on her feet. Alex's legs felt like jello and were wobbling wildly. As she looked around the cell that she was in, she noticed a very cheap and very flat mattress on the ground with a tiny blanket laying over the top. Next to it was a small slot where she guessed they would be feeding her from. Besides that, there wasn't much. The wall she had woken up to face, matched the other two and the floor.

As Alex tried to crane her neck backwards to see if she could escape the rope that kept her two cold hands behind her, she heard a loud bang from the other side of the door next to the man. In a split second, the door slowly swung open, making a loud grinding sound, causing Alex to flinch.

No one came in from the light that was seeping in from the open doorway at first but after waiting a few more seconds, a human shape walked in quickly. There was a flickering sound before a bright light burst from above the person that had just walked in and the huge man that spoke.

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