Chapter Six - The Alleyway Attack

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The sun shone into the apartment making it hard to see with out squinting, she walked into the kitchen glancing at the clock that read 7:30AM. She made herself a cup of coffee, and ate some Shreddies. She sat down on the couch watching some cooking show. She heard a door creak open and her dad walked out of his room and yawned, before he walked over and took some of the coffee she had made earlier for himself, and sat down beside her.

"You start school on Monday, Alex." he said suddenly as he sipped at his coffee.


She had totally forgot about the hellhole, her father called school. But she didn't argue she just said, "Okay."

Ever since the third grade, Alex was beat, hit, kicked, and bullied from the other students. She sighed as she thought about all the horrible memories.

"Since you didn't use the money yesterday, would you like to go buy clothes today?" her father asked her after a while of silence.

She nodded, as she stared at her broken wrist. She had handed it back to her father when Dan had left. "But they don't use dollars in England though," she reminded him "They use pounds."

He sighed and nodded, "Can you go change the dollars into pounds today?" Her dad asked her.

She nodded, she was already dressed and everything, she got up and washed her cup, then went into her bathroom, brushed her teeth, pulled her hair into a ponytail, and then walked out of her bathroom, and took the money from her dad, who was sitting in the same place. Then she walked out of the apartment with her phone still in her room.


Once she was halfway to where she last saw the machine to change her dollars into pounds, she looked down the alleyway that was right on the other side. She could see the machine right on the other side, it looked like nobody was in the alleyway, so she took a step inside and slowly started walking towards the end of the alleyway.

There was a sound behind her, like feet shuffling, she quickly turned around, "Hello?" she called into the darkness. No answer.

She shrugged and turned around walking towards the light again when a hand forcefully cupped her mouth and and arm wrapped around her waist pulling her into the darkness. She tried to scream, but the hand around her mouth muffled it, no one could here her screams.

Dan's POV

It has been a few hours since Dan has seen Alex, he just wanted to be with her. He hoped she was okay. What if she went outside again? What if she fell again? What if-

"Uh.. Dan?" Phil's voice interrupted Dan's thoughts.

Dan jumped a little and looked over at his best friend. "Yeah.. uh.. sorry." Dan muttered.

Phil just smirked he knew what he was thinking about. "Yeah, London, goodbye and have a good night!" Dan said finishing their show.

As they walked away and onto the pavement walking back to their apartment, Phil broke the silence, "You were thinking about Alex weren't you?" Phil asked him.

Dan looked over at him and nodded slowly, "Yeah.." he mumbled, "I love her so fucking much Phil, she's so amazing." Phil just smirked.

"Oh trust me I know." he said, Dan looked over at Phil.

What did he mean about that? Did he like her? What if he steals her from him? What if-

Suddenly his phone rang, he picked it up, "Hey Alex-" he started but it wasn't Alex.

"Dan? Oh thank god. Have you seen Alex?" Alex's father said over the phone.

"Oh hey Mr. Smith, um.. no i haven't seen her since yesterday." Dan said softly, confusion sprung from beneath him.

"She has been gone for a few hours, and she went out to go turn her dollars into pounds and she hasn't come back." Dan stopped, in mid walk and turned his head down the alley. He saw the pound machine.

"Oh shit..." he whispered into the phone, "I have a pretty good idea of where she is Mr. Smith." Dan said into the phone, "I'll find her." he said and hung up putting his phone back into his pocket.

Phil looked at him and then down the alley. "Dan, your crazy." Phil said.

Dan nodded "I know." he said and with that, Dan walked down the dark alleyway Phil walking right behind him.

Alex's POV

The men pulled her down a separate alleyway, but this one was a dead end. It was better lit so she could see their faces. The first one she saw wasn't at all ugly, he had beautiful dirty blonde hair, with bright blue eyes. "Shhh.... shhh..." he said smirking, "Hey beautiful your okay.." he cooed and placed a hand on her head. A hand was still over her mouth but she eventually stopped trying and went limp.

"Ah.. thats better." he said smirking and motioned for the guy behind her to let go. She sat down on the dirty, trashy ground and pulled her knees to her chest, wrapped her arms around her knees and buried her head in face into her knees.

"Hey love, get your head up." the man said and put his hand under her chin lifting it up. Her eyes were watery as she stared into his blue eyes. He was crouching down so they were face to face.

She forced her head away from him and looked over to the side, at the other two men standing there, they weren't drunk anymore, they were just standing there watching her. They both had scruffy beards and dark brown hair.

"L-let me g-go." she whispered and looked back over at the man.

"We will, we will." he repeated, "All in good time, but can you tell us what your name is love?" he asked her staring into her eyes again.

"Jamie." she lied, she didn't want him knowing her real name.

He frowned, "The truth please?" he whispered.

"Alexandra." she sighed.

He smirked, "That's a beautiful name." he said, "You can call me Jack, okay?" he said and let go of her chin.

She sighed and looked up at him as he stood up and started whispering to the men. She just wanted to be with Dan. That's all she could think of was Dan. He would come for her, he would. He would.

Then Jack walked back over to Alex, "Stand up love." he ordered.

She didn't move. "I said stand up!" Jack yelled and twisted her broken wrist around, she heard a crack.

Alex fell onto the floor curled into a ball crying in pain. He started kicking her, stabbing her with his fingers in her side, and calling her names.

"DON'T FUCKING TOUCH HER!" a voice came from down the alleyway. She knew who it was. Dan.

The pain stopped, but she kept sobbing. Dan walked down towards Jack, nothing but rage shown in his eyes.

"Ah.. well if it isn't the protective boyfriend." Jack mocked Dan, "You need to fuck-" Dan cut him off with punching him straight in the face.

Jack stumbled backwards, and felt his nose, blood dripped to the ground. "I won't hurt you anymore if you give me her." Dan said through gritted teeth.

But Jack kept smirking, "In your dr-" another punch in the face, and more and more until Jack screamed in pain, "OKAY OKAY, GOD DAMN IT TAKE THE UGLY BITCH!!" Jack finally said, his face was bloody, he had a black eye and it looked like someone rubbed a cheese grader all over his face.

Dan kicked him one last time, straight in the balls Jack yelled in pain, Dan walked over the Alex, "Hey baby, are you okay?" Dan whispered and carefully placed a hand on her forehead, she flinched and looked towards him, "D-D-Dan?" her voice barely above a whisper. Then everything went black.

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