Chapter Nine - Rescue From A Stranger

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  As Dan led her towards the bed she knew that this wouldn't end well. Dan pushed her onto the bed and he climbed on going over her. His hands with placed next to her head propping himself up. He left trails of kisses down her neck and onto her stomach. Panic swelled from inside her.

  She squirmed from under him trying to escape. But Dan had grabbed both of her wrists and holding them down with a tight grip. She squealed with pain, "D-Dan your hurting me!" she yelled and thrashed her head to side to side trying to stop him kissing her.

"Hold fucking still!" he yelled sending spit all over her face.

  She closed her eyes tightly. This was her last chance to escape. She brought her knee up and kneed him straight in the balls. He screamed in pain and she slipped out from under him. Alex was breathing hard as she ran out of his room and down the hallway. She grabbed her sweater from the ground and ran.

  She ran down all the stairs and to the door. "Wait Alex! I'm sorry!" Dan yelled down the stairs. She swung the door opened not caring to shut it behind her.

While running down the hallway and to the stairs she slipped her sweater over her head. Dan was right behind her "Alex!" he yelled.

  She didn't stop she just kept on running. She ran down all the stairs in what it felt like a second, into the lobby and out into the streets. There was almost no one there. A few people walking but they hadn't noticed her. She was breathing heavily and her heart was pounding against her chest.

  She still couldn't believe that Dan had tried to seduce her. She finally started running to the right down the dimly lit street. After running a few blocks she could still hear Dan calling her name. Why was he still following her? She turned a corner looking behind her. She could see Dan close behind her still without a shirt on.

  She rammed into something. Wait no, someone. "Ah!" she yelped as she started falling backwards. An arm reached out and caught her pulling her towards them. She gasped as she looked up at her savior. It was a young man about her age maybe a year older. He had the brightest blue eyes in the world and brown-blonde hair in an upward fringe, though some pieces were hanging out.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry are you okay?" and amazing British accent escaped his lips.

  "I... I-I... H-Help." was all she could say. His eyes were full with concern.

"Wh-" he started but he was cut off by Dan.

  "Ale- what the-.." Dan said as he turned the corner to see them standing together, the stranger still was holding onto her.

  Alex jumped when he heard Dan and she hid behind the man. The stranger held onto her elbow while he stood in front of her protecting her. Alex peaked around the man to get a look a Dan. He was breathing hard, you could see his breath in the cold air as he inhaled and exhaled.

"What the hell Joe?" Dan exclaimed.

  Wait what!? Dan knew this man?

"Dan what the bloody hell are you doing here?" Joe said, again with his amazing accent.

"I-.. come on Joe give me my girlfriend." Dan said suddenly getting madder.

  "This is your girlfriend?" Joe looked at her, her eyes pleaded for him to help her, "Why was she running from you?" he asked looking back up at Dan.

  "Joe. Give me my fucking girlfriend." Dan said balling up his fists.

Joe looked at Alex then at Dan, "No." Joe said simply.

  "What did you just say?" Dan asked getting angrier and angrier "No." Joe repeated.

   Dan looked like her was going to kill Joe. Joe had a gleam in his eyes like he was going to attack him for a girl he just met.

  Alex had to stop this. She stepped from behind Joe, "P-Please D-Dan leave." she said her voice barely above a whisper, it hurt her more than anything to say that.

  Dan's face dropped, he un-balled his fists and took a step back. "But Alex I-.." Dan started but Alex cut him off, "Fucking leave before I make you." Alex said her voice getting louder. Dan took another few steps back, his brown eyes stared sadly at her but he finally turned and left.

  Joe looked over at her, "What happened?" he asked concern filled his accent.

  Alex shook her head, she didn't want to talk about it now.

"I need to get you some help." The man named Joe said. "Where do you live?" He asked her.

Alex shook her head, "My dad... He's gone.. My keys are at... Dan's apartment." She stuttered as she looked him up and down.

"I know you probably don't trust me, but come to my apartment." He suggested. Right as she was about to answer, he talked again, "You have no where to go, and Dan might come back."

Finally, Alex nodded. For some reason, she believed him, "Okay..." Joe flashed her a gentle smile before slowly leading her down the pavement.

  Only after a few seconds of walking Alex finally felt to cold, she shivered and rubbed her arms trying to keep warm, her teeth started chattering. Joe looked over at her before stopping and taking off his coat and wrapping it around her shoulders, "Here." was all he said.

  Alex's heart felt warm. Her teeth stopped chattering and she stopped shivering. "Thank you Joe." she whispered, still traumatized. When she looked up at Joe he was smiling at her, his face turned red with embarrassment before turning and starting walking again.

  After a few minutes they arrived at his apartment. He unlocked the door and held it open for her. She smiled weakly at him before walking inside, Joe followed her inside. His apartment was very nice. Most of everything was a light colored wood of white.

  To her left there was a small kitchen, and straight in front of it was a t.v. and couches. To the right there was a table and in front of it was stairs. She smiled as Joe led her down the stairs. Down the stairs there was a hallway and there rooms two in which were rooms and the other was a bathroom. He then led her into a very white room.

  Once she was inside she sat his coat down on a dresser and sat down on (what she guessed) his bed. Joe smiled, "You can sleep in here, its my room." he said.

  She just nodded. Joe nodded looking around before turning around and started closing the door behind him.

  "Joe.." Alex called.

  Joe opened the door again, "Yes?"

  "Thank you." she said smiling.

  A smile appeared on his face "Anything for you, love."

  Her face heated up but she quickly looked down at her hands. "Goodnight Lexi." Joe said and shut the door behind him. No one had ever called her Lexi except her mum.

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