Chapter Twenty-Three - Plans Are Revealed

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After five days of endless sitting, sleeping, and crying, Alex finally had enough. Everyday, she woke up to the large man, who she named BD, feeding her a small cheap biscuit, two eggs, and a small cup of water. He fed her again once more before she went to sleep, a can of cold beans, another can of corn, and a small cup of water.

Alex was constantly watched by BD. He never ate, drank, or went to the bathroom once for five days straight which got her thinking that he wasn't even human, possibly a robot of some kind of droid Jesse invented. When she had asked BD to stop watching her go to the bathroom in the small bucket he had given her, he just grunted and shook his head slowly.

On the fourth day of endless sitting and wondering when or how her father was going to find her, she finally asked BD if she could have something to play with while she was waiting for Jesse to use her. In response, BD left and came back with a dirty tennis ball with the name Jasmine written in dark black marker. When Alex asked BD about the name, he didn't respond.

Almost the whole time everyday, Alex did exercises in her small cell such as jumping, kicking, flipping, running, doing yoga, and almost anything else to keep her from thinking about Dan or her family and friends. Dan... Everyday no matter what she did, he was always on her mind. His chiseled jawline, smooth skin tone, sweet dark brown eyes, fluffy hair, touch that made her heart melt... Every time that thought crossed her mind, she let out a long scream that echoed through the halls.

Alex found that there was a small camera in the top right corner of her cell that always had a blinking red light. Alex acted like she didn't know it was there the whole time. She felt herself becoming more and more insane everyday of sitting and doing nothing.

Today was the fifth day, Alex had just eaten her dry and stale biscuit and was laying on the thin mattress, her feet pressed against the wall as she threw the tennis ball at the wall above her and catching it as it fell back at her face. She had been doing the same thing for about an hour and was just staring into space, her thoughts had abandoned her. She was still wearing the ripped tank top and dirty short shorts, nothing else. Her skin was a muddy brown color in some places and her long brown hair matted and tangled.

Suddenly, the loud door opened next to her, making her loose focus on the ball. Her head snapped toward the door that opened. Unintended, the ball fell on her face making her shake her head in irritation. She stood with a slight struggle and pulled down her short tank top, swallowing hard.

Who walked in, was not who she expected. It wasn't Jesse, she could even tell that in the darkness. He was tall with a lean build, with sharp spiky brown hair. His piercing bright green eyes, just liker her mothers, stared into hers. On his waist belt was a gun holster, strapped into it was what looked like a 45 caliber.

Alex's eyes snapped up to meet his and a sly smirk grew on the man's lips. BD, who hadn't even flinched at the sound of the door opening, slowly looked over at the man. In response to the dirty look that BD was giving him, the man grabbed something from his pocket and flashed a note at the large man before walking to the cell door.

After he swung the door open, her marched right up to her and held out his hand for her to shake. "Douglas Daggers at your service ma' lady." He cooed in a soft slightly chill tone.

As Douglas approached her, she slightly flinched back, looking him up and down quickly. At the moment, she didn't trust anyone. Especially someone who was most likely a worker under Jesse. She glanced down at his outstretched hand nervously before up at him and then at the open cell door.

"I see you're not big on handshakes." Douglas shrugged dropping his hand to his side as he looked her up and down, "Damn, Jesse hasn't been treatin' you right." He cooed, his gaze meeting hers again.

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