Jace escorted Adelina around introducing her to his pack members that would now become her family, he watched her carefully concerned as he picked up on the way she repeatedly zoned out while they were walking, she captivated him in so many ways yet he knew little about her. ‘She’s everything we have been searching for,’ his wolf sighed admiringly, since that day his wolf had laid dormant only making appearances on certain occasions and now all of a sudden he had made a reappearance, Jace had been worried that his wolf was going to disappear one day and thanks to his mate it had all changed.  Jace copied his wolf and let out a soft sigh, he couldn’t take his eyes of the magnificent woman who stood beside him tightly clutching his hand, and his gaze flickered down to her bare shoulder which was revealed by her dress, the same shoulder that will bare his mark one day. He struggled to keep his wolf locked in before he managed to get to the surface and do something stupid like mark her without even waiting for her to become accustomed to the predicament she was placed in. He regrettably pulled his hand out of hers and smiled softly as she looked up at him hurt in her eyes, “I’m sorry I need the toilet, feel free to walk around and talk to everyone,” he pointed out Nathan and Irving to her, “if something happens or there is something wrong and I’m not back please let them know. I won’t be long love,” he pecked her cheek quickly before he scurried off towards the pack house. As soon as he left Dante crept towards her, his eyes full of hunger, he hadn’t lied when he said he was hungry, but food wasn’t what he wanted; it was Adelina he wanted.

Adelina stared at Jace’s back in shock and despair, how could he have just left her there in the middle of the crowd alone, surrounded by people she didn’t know. With a sigh she turned and made her way towards the house deciding to go a different route to the one Jace had just took, a strong hand tightened painfully around her arm halted her progress before pulling her into the shadows by the house. “Hey, let me go!” she protested fear now rising up inside of her. Dante tilted her head to the side trailing kisses down her neck nipping at the skin here and there, “Shush darling it’s all okay, no need to be scared,” he whispered in her ear gently blowing air on it causing Adelina to shiver in disgust which he mistook for pleasure. Adelina started to struggle against him but she was weak and no way a match for the strength as he pulled her tightly against his rock hard chest, he continued to shower her neck with kisses as she started to shake from fear in his arms. Dante’s mind  started to cloud over as he inhaled her arousal smiling, “You may hate me but I can smell that you want me babe,” he coaxed into her ear, his wolf letting out loud rumbles of purrs. Adelina went still, was she turned on or maybe he had finally gone crazy? “Dante, you have to let me go once Jace finds out what you have done to me he will kill you,” she exclaimed finally finding her voice again. “You wouldn’t even get the chance to say a word; I would end your pathetic life if I found out you were going to tell,” he sneered angrily into her ear his mood quickly darkening, with that he turned and strode off merging back in with the crowd vanishing from her sight. Adelina grabbed hold of her head, a terrible headache had started to form and her stomach was twisting painfully in knots, hunching over she emptied the contents of her stomach on the ground before stumbling into the crowd, the pounding in her head increasing with every second.

Faces around Adelina had started to blur and become disorientated as she stumbled into the pack house, not once did anyone notice her too engrossed in having a good time and celebrating, she gripped onto the stair banister using it as leverage to pull herself upright before she hobbled up the stairs. She inhaled the air before making her way in the direction of what she hoped to be Jace’s room, pushing her body against the door she managed to open it and shut it again before collapsing on the bed in exhaustion. ‘Just a few minutes sleep and I’ll be fine’, she coaxed herself as her eyes fluttered closed, her head was full of the powerful aroma that belonged to Jace and the thought that she was lying in his bed, the bed where probably laid naked every night.

Jace looked around, ‘Where is she?’ his wolf questioned, his voice coated with worry, Jace had took longer than he wanted too but on his way back he was constantly stopped by members of the pack offering him their congratulations. Turning back around he wondered off through the crowd, stopping every now and then he asked his pack members if they had seen Adelina leave the spot, his worry increased as more and more pack members said they hadn’t seen her. ‘What if she ran away and left us?’ his wolf questioned fearfully hoping it wasn’t true as Jace whimpered and hurried off into the inside of the pack house, ‘She would never leave us, her and her wolf know they are safe with us to protect them,’ Jace answered with a whine. Entering the house he picked up the scent of Adelina, following it up the stairs and towards his room where the door lay open, his room was bursting with her fragrance although it was tinted with the smell of vomit. Walking over to he let out a soft sigh taking in her peaceful face, he thought of an angel by the way her hair was sprawled around her head in the most peculiar way, the strapless black short dress that was riding dangerously up her thighs but Jace took no notice in that all he saw was the sheer pure beauty that was Adelina. Yanking of his top he picked her up using his free hand to pull back the cover, laying her amongst the covers he pulled them up to her chin, taking one last look at her sleeping body he climbed in beside her. Pulling her delicate body close to his, he marvelled on how they fit perfectly together, like they were made for each other, he fell into the wonderful bliss of sleep keeping his mate by his side the whole night.

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