9: Stolen Kisses

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"Sophie! What the hell are you doing?"he barked, causing the girl who's name is apparently Sophie to cower farther against Brad. Luckily, the big linebacker just gave her a strange look before lightly moving her away from him. He obviously wasn't cool with girls who made Roy angry. Hopefully I never got on his bad side.

I snickered, but nobody seemed to notice. Roy just kept his eyes narrowed at the girl, as if trying to see what she was thinking,"Why are you glaring at Dani like that?"

Before she could respond he turned to me and looked me dead in the eye,"Princess, has she been like this to you before?"

I wasn't going to bring it up, but Roy's eyes almost seemed to be peircing into my soul and, well, Sophie kind of deserved it,"Uh, well, yeah. She spilled coffee on me earlier in the week. But, no biggie. I really didn't expect anything else from a slut like her."

Now the glare was back, but I almost felt shielded from it with Roy standing guard next to me. He seemed to ignore my slut comment and went on with his lecture,"She's my friend, whether you like it or not, and I will not tolerate you acting that way towards her. If you intend on hanging around me and my friends any longer then i suggest you and your friends back the fuck off."

I did a silent cheer in my head, mentally jumping up and down and shrieking. But on the outside, I remained calm, only the smile that spread across my lips showing my inner joy and happiness.

After that, I felt like the party really started. Jess showed up right after Sophie stomped away with a pout clear across her make-up covered face. She even came bearing more jello shots, which we all gladly accepted. She seemed to get along really well with the guys and I was glad. When everyone else had dispersed and it was only me and Roy, I turned to him, nervously biting my lip.

"What is it, princess?"he asked with a smile, simply understanding that I needed to tell him something.

"Umm, well, me and a few of my friends are going to catch a movie tomorrow. And you're my friend so I was wondering if maybe, possibly, you would like to come, too?"I managed to get out, looking at the ground the whole time.

I was suprised when I heard him immediately say,"Of course. I'd love to. What movie do you have in mind?"

I had to think about it for a minute, because I hadn't really put much thought into it before. Then, a preview that I had seen the other day popped into my head and I immediately knew that that was what I wanted to watch.

"How about Bad Grandpa?"I said, waiting for his reaction.

The reaction I got, wasn't neccesarily what I thought would happen. I had prepared for him to excitedly agree, to be 'whatever' about it, to say that he had already seen it , or maybe to say that he hated those types of films and really didn't want to see it. What I really didn't expect was for his jaw to go slack and for him to look at me in what could only be described as pure amazement.

"Umm, are you okay there pretty boy?"I asked, seriously concerned for his mental health.

He just nodded and straightened up before giving me a serious expression,"Are you a mind reader or something?"

"Uh, no?"I said, really confused as to what he was getting at.

"Then how the hell could you know that that was the exact movie that was going through my mind? Are you a witch? Or maybe an angel even?"he asked conspiratorially. 

"Once again, no. You are seriosuly confusing me Roy. What the hell are you getting at?"I asked, not being able to help the laugh that bubbled up at the serious expression that he was still wearing.

Stolen Kisses (NaNoWriMo 2013)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora