Chapter Thirteen

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A/N: I know there are a few of you who are waiting very patiently for me to update "Everything I Never Wanted". I wanted to apologize for the lack of update of that story here. I'm sorry, but I'm not really feeling the story right now. And, I know that it's not a good idea to force myself to write anything because I know that it won't be very good. I DO have plans to finish that story, it may not get done until after I finsh this story. This story is kind of my baby at the moment. :) It makes a bit more sense to finish this one first anyway since it is sort of a prequel to "Everything I Never Wanted" anyway.

Also, sorry about this late update... I got writer's block with this story and then I finished reading the Hunger Games series (read the first back in August and finally got the chance to finish it) and I got a little obsessed this past week. :) If you haven't read the Hunger Games series I HIGHLY recommended it! It's awesome! Honestly, I haven't been this obsessed with a book series since I read Harry Potter.

I'll stop talking so you can start reading the chapter now. :)

I glared at the bastard before I said the first thing that came to my head.

"If you think I'm going to be all flattered by that like that bitch from those Twilight books, you got another think coming."

He gave me a little knowing smile. I reached up to smack the look off his face, but he caught my hand before it could even get near his face.

My eyes narrowed, "Let. Go. Of. My. Hand." I ordered through gritted teeth; gripping his hand tightly while I tried to get out of his grip. It was like trying to remove my hand from a pail of hardened cement.

"No." he said simply as he grabbed my other hand and placed it in only one of his. He then shoved both of my hands above my head.

My back dug painfully into the wall behind me as he leaned in closer to my face.

"Am I making you uncomfortable, Jessica?"

I glared at him; not liking the gleam in his eyes. I refused to give him an answer to that question though; choosing instead to ask him a question of my own.

"What the hell kind of psycho stalks someone their whole life?" I asked, "There's no way in hell I was ever that interesting." I continued when he just stood there smiling at me.

He let go of my hand so he could place both of his on the wall behind me; successfully blocking any chance of escape that I may have been thinking of. Not that I was thinking of getting away from him; I was too bent on getting answers from him to think of escape at the moment.

"On the contrary, Jessica, I've always found you very interesting." the way he said it made me want to shudder in disgust. It sounded creepy and just wrong.

"And why the hell have I always been so interesting?" I asked, a little wary of his response.

"I know who your father is; which means I know who your grandmother is." His smile turned positively creepy, "I couldn't have Annabelle, but I'm going to make sure that I get you."

"Over my fucking dead body will you own me. As long as I'm breathing, I will never want anything to do with you."

His leaned down and let his teeth graze my throat, "Is that an open invitation for me to bite you and turn you into what I am?"

"Hell no!" I spat as I reached up and pushed his head away from my neck, "If you ever bite me again, I'll make sure to yank those fangs out so you can never bite again and you'll be forced to drink from a bottle like a fucking baby for the rest of your long-ass life."

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