Chapter Fourteen

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 A/N: Once again, I would like to thank everyone who has commented and added this story to their library! I never thought that this story would become as popular as it has, but I'm super happy to see people enjoying it so much! I wanted you all to know that I read every single comment that is posted on this story, I just don't have the time to reply to every one of them, but I DO read them and they all make me smile! :) I was also asked if I could write in Tristan's POV by someone last chapter...and I just wanted to let everyone know that I won't do that for two reasons. One, I don't like switching between two character's POV during a story and two, more importantly, part of this story is about how Tristan really feels and what's really going on in that head of his and if I wrote in his POV his thoughts and motives wouldn't be a secret and part of the story would be ruined. I hope that makes sense and you all understand.

Song Choice: A Demon's Fate by Within Temptation

I had expected it to be harder; I had expected Tristan to pop out from any corner, alcove or room that we passed by, but we managed to make it out into a small garage and into the only vehicle in it with no problems.

Annabelle had grabbed hold of the keys hanging on a hook by the door and had opened the garage door while I went and sat in the car. When Annabelle finally pulled down the long-ass driveway and onto a one lane highway, (Tristan wasn't kidding when he said the house was in the middle of nowhere) I let out a sigh of relief finally feeling relaxed.

I hadn't realized how uptight and nervous I had felt until that moment.

I had really expected to be caught before we got out. I didn't really think Tristan would have been so stupid to leave me and Annabelle alone. Especially after what he had said earlier, but I wasn't going to question his clear stupidity, I was just going to be thankful for it.

After a few seconds of driving in silence, I finally decided to speak, "Where are we anyway?" I asked, "What state?"

"New York."

I just stared at her. How the hell had he managed to move me all the way to New York without me knowing?

"You were unconscious for nearly a week, Jessica."

Oh, yea... forgot about that.

"But, how the hell did he get me on a plane? I'm pretty sure having an unconscious woman would draw some attention."

"He used a private plane."

Well, wasn't he just the craftiest person ever?

I could visualize the bastard smirking at me.

Made me want to hit something. I had the sudden urge to go back and leave another note; this one would list all the things I hated about him.

 "So, how are we going to get back to Georgia?"

"We have no choice, but to drive. The minute Tristan finds out we're gone, he's going to start putting the word out to watch the airport since he'll think we'll be stupid enough to go that route."

"You think he'll follow us?" I asked.

She glanced briefly at me before returning her eyes to the road, "Oh, I don't think, I know he will come after us, Jessica. He wants you very badly. You're the granddaughter of the girl who refused him. He thinks that if he can't have me, he'll just have you instead. But, what he doesn't' realize is that I will stop at nothing to protect you from what he did to me."

"I thought you said you couldn't leave him?"

"I never said that I couldn't leave him, Jessica. I just said that I could never hurt him. I've never had a reason to leave, but you've given me the excuse I needed to get away from him."

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