Chapter Eleven

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A/N I am still super busy with student teaching I just had a lazy weekend that I could spend writing so I took complete advantage of it. :) This does mean that I have NO idea when the next update will be.


I really hope this chapter is appropriate on here... I don't describe anything in too much detail, but it is a touchy subject.

The next morning, I woke up with a pounding headache.


I didn't think it was a coincidence that both times I had gotten a headache had been after I had been bitten by a vampire. I sure as hell wasn't going to let any one of those leeches near my neck ever again.

I wasn't about to willingly wake up with a splitting head again.

I stretched my arms over my head; keeping my eyes firmly closed. I paused when my outstretched arms ran into something cool and circular. At first I thought it may just be the headboard, but then I realized that my arms were above me.

The hell?

My eyes jerked open and I growled.

I can't believe the bastard put me in a fucking cage.

The hell does he think I am?

A dog?

Obviously so since there wasn't much room in there for a full grown human being; I realized that when I tried to stretch my legs out fully and was only met with more bars blocking my movements.

I couldn't even sit fully upright in that stupid thing; I had to hunch over painfully.

I was going to fucking murder that asshole when I saw him.

I caught movement out of the corner of my eye and turned to see the asshole himself sitting in a high backed chair near the door; looking far too comfortable and staring at me.

I glared at him, "Get me the fuck out of here, you bastard."

He cocked his head to the side and smirked at me. "Care to ask me that again, Jessica in a more civilized manner?"

"Civilized? The fuck you know about being civilized? Putting me in fucking cage sure as hell doesn't make you civilized." I spat.

"The cage is for your own good. Once I can trust you not to run while I'm asleep, there will no need for one."

"Why in the hell do you not just lock me in a room then?" I asked, I didn't like that idea better, but at least then I wouldn't be locked in a cage like some kind of animal.

"You have to earn everything in this house, Jessica, including a real bed. You want to sleep in a bed than you're going to have to be a good girl and earn it."

I glared at him, "Please get me the fuck out of this stupid thing." I asked as civilized as I was able.

He chuckled, "You are going to have to do better job than that, Jessica. You should also know that I am counting how many times you use that word and you will be punished accordingly for them."

I took a deep breath to calm myself before I spoke again, "Would you please let me out of this thing?"

"You know what I'm waiting to hear, Jessica." he said, "I would advise you to hurry and say it for the King will be here soon and we still have a few things to do before he arrives. I must warn you that if he arrives and he has to wait because we are not ready, he will be most displeased and it will only make things worse for you."

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