Chapter Six

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A/N: This chapter contains more cursing and some mild sexual abuse.

Song Choice: What You Want by Evanescence

Scroll down to see the other cover that AaliyaKhan made!

I attempted to jerk away from his descending mouth, but that seemed futile since with his hands now placed firmly on my shoulders I couldn't even move an inch. I knew from experience that the bite would hurt less if I tried not to move. So, I did my best to prepare myself for it and the pain that was surely to come from it.

I shivered when his fangs merely grazed my neck and I growled when he chuckled at my reaction.


"I don't think it's very smart of you to call me such names, Jessica when you are in this position."

"Whatever, asshole." I spat.

He chuckled again, "My you are a stubborn one, aren't you?"

I snorted, "Thank you for stating the obvious again¸ Mr. Asshole, do you want a cookie for being so smart to point out the obvious for the third time? Or the fourth time? Ha... you've done it so much, even I've lost count. Not that it matters though... you're a vampire, so no cookie for you! Unless it was a –"

My sentence abruptly halted when his fangs slide painfully into my neck.


Trust the bastard to do it when I was distracted.

I was expecting the pain to intensify like it had done the first time, but after the initial shock I was disgusted to discover that the pain was quickly replaced by pleasure. A pleasure that was so intense, it washed over me in seconds and left me so hot I felt like I was going to explode from the sensation.

I might never have had sex before, but I very well knew what these feelings were. I was a virgin, but not stupid or naïve by any means about sex.

The growing heat met in one spot: between my legs.

I was completely appalled that my body would find this kind of thing to be arousing, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get the itch between my legs to go away.

Until the jerk unceremoniously yanked his fangs out of my neck.

I was left breathless and, not to mention, extremely pissed off.

"What the hell was that?" I spat once I was able to form words.

He chuckled darkly, "A vampire's bite doesn't always have to be painful, sweetheart. It can be full of unknown pleasure," he explained, "I'm not the type to bite in pain; I can cause pain in more creative ways," he smirked, "Besides, causing pleasure is so much more fun especially when the victim doesn't want to feel it or to become aroused at all. It prepares her for... other things."


He snorted, "You think that's perverted? You haven't seen anything yet, sweetheart." I didn't like the way he looked at me; he was eying me up and down like I was a piece of meat; paying special attention to my breasts which I just remembered were still only covered by the thin material of my bra. My bra wasn't enough to make me feel comfortable under his disgustingly hungry gaze.

I was too busy looking up at his face, well more like glaring really, to pay attention to what he was doing with those hands of his. Those were what I should have been watching though since all the horrible things he could do with me involved them. And, while I was distracted by his smirking face and stupid, perverted explanation he had been trailing those hands up and down my naked sides.

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