"Months? What do you mean months?" I questioned, finding most of what Night had said going over my head. "How long have I been out?"

Too long, I'll give you some help to wake up but leave explaining from what has happened to your friends.

The familiarity of Night sharing her strength with me was a welcomed warmth. With it, I felt the rest of my senses seemingly reawaken, along with it the ability to move. My eyes fluttered open, met with a hazy fog blurring my vision. A sight moan passed as the light caused my head to ache slightly but the pain was almost a welcomed one for some strange reason.

~Emma?~ A voice called, one I knew well and rejoiced to hear. 

Looking down, I spied Hope through the mist, curled up on a cushion at the foot of my bed, her azure rings glowing slightly with happiness. I closed my eyes for a moment, squeezing them tightly close in effort to clear them. When I opened them again, my shiny starter was hovering by my side, eyes filled with the very essence for which she was named for. With my vision clear, I smiled up at her, meekly raising my hand to caress her cheek.

"Hey." I muttered, my voice horse and my throat dry who knew the last time I'd had anything to drink. "I haven't seen you in forever." But how long was forever?

Hope nuzzled my cheeks taking my mind off time, small tears rolling down her cheeks as she did. ~Yeah, something like that. I'm so happy you're finally awake!~

~Wait Emma's awake?~ Trust bounded up onto the bed, the violet eyes wide. She beamed brighter then a sun ray, her twin tails flicking in delight as she licked my cheek happily. ~It's so good to see you-- awake anyway...~

"Yeah." I muttered, feeling drowsiness settle back in. "You guys to, are you okay? Where are we?"

~Down to three legs but I'm fine.~ Hope smiled reassuringly as she looked over at her right hind leg which was wrapped up in a cast. ~I'll have my fourth one back soon anyway. We're home Emma, we're in Blackthorn City Pokémon Centre. All safe and sound.~

"I'm glad to be home." I muttered, rolling onto my side to face them more easily. Pain jabbed at my knees, proving that they weren't better yet but I was able to ignore what pain their was in favour of the attention given to my Pokémon. "I'm glad you're okay."

~Get some more sleep Em, I promise we will be right here when you wake up.~ Hope prompted, wiggling herself into my arms. ~You are still very tired.~

"Okay..." I muttered, kissing her forehead lightly. "I love you."

~We love you to.~ She muttered before I faded back out completely.


The next time I woke must have been a few days later, Hope was still sleeping at the time, although she had moved back to the foot of the bed, as was Trust but both were asleep. Claire was here this time, reading allowed from one of her books. I smiled slightly to myself, listening as she read the words off the page in a way that made the story feel almost real.

Her eyes flicked up for a brief moment before flicking back down only to again rise and meet my gaze with a look of surprised disbelief. "You're awake?" She questioned... or maybe stated. I'm not quite sure.

"Yeah... I'm guessing so." I replied, still somewhat groggy from my sleep before I yawned silently. "Still deciding if this is a dream or not."

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