Chapter 38- Where Are We?

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  The group fell threw a dark space. It felt like five minutes before they roughly landed on a dirt ground. Eve stood up rubbing her bottom. The room was still dark.
"Is everyone here? Bailee? Matt?" Eve called out
  "Here" they all groaned. Hula barked and licked Eve's hand.
Eve blinked. It was still very dark. And she couldn't tell where they were. She felt around the walls and the ground. Then there was light.
"Who doesn't have a lighter" David flung his in the air and caught it. Sir Trent grabbed two sticks and lit them on fire. He gave one to Bailee the other to David.
Eve looked around with the new light provided. There was writing on the wall. It wasn't normal English, but it was symbols and small drawings. Hieroglyphs maybe. Eve recalled the weird language some people studied.
  "Well there's no need to stay put. Let's move" Raven stated the obvious
  Bailee rolled her eyes. "Where do you suggest we go little bird"
  David patted the top of Eve's head. "Follow this mongrel"
  Eve threw off his hand. "I'm not your personal GPS you know" but she started towards the strong magic feeling. Sir Trent whistled along the way. Hula followed close behind David.

  "Welcome back" Piper squeaked
  Scarlet and Neptune walked into a giant room. Eve's family sat there squirming on the floor.
  "Stop your moving humans" Scarlet kicked Sara. The girl let out a whimper but stiffened.
  "Scarlet" Neptune said
  "How was the trip" Piper asked Scarlet
  The red cloak slumped on the floor.
  "Not bad, could've done better"
  "What happened" Piper wondered
  "They caught us destroying house 19873" Scarlet answered
  "We started to battle them" she continued
  "We almost lost Zephyr"
  "Scarlet" Neptune shouted
  They all turned their heads. "What do you want Neptune" She responded with a raised eyebrow
  "I-I" he stuttered
  "I don't have all day" she complained
  "I lost Zephyr" he finished
  They were silent. Then she exploded.
"You what! Neptune! I should have known better. Your moist hands can't hold jack. Do you know what this means! He'll get captured by that evil human! Who knows what he'll have to do" she screamed
  Neptune started to cry. Scarlet slapped his head. She pointed her finger to the door and he walked out no question.
  "That was mean" Piper piped up
  Scarlet growled. "Mean! He lost a soul Piper! I thought you were smart"
  "I-I am. I didn't know" she muttered. "But h-"
  "No! He's not coming back till he has that necklace back" she snapped. Piper shook her head.
  "Y-yes ma'm" Piper gulped

Mrs. Phoenix walked hastily down the forest. He better not be behind this. I told him not to! He just had to!
Her high heels click-clacking against the rock pavement. A low wind rustled by. She shivered in her jacket. Going alone wasn't the brightest idea, but who would I take.

  Eve walked to the magic pulse. It bumped against her head. Bump, bump, bump. She went with the beat in her head as it got stronger. Then she hit a wall.
"Ow!" She rubbed her head.
Matt ran up to her. "Are you ok" he said trying to see her head
"Let go of me" she tugged away. Sir Trent laughed. Eve gave him a cold stare. He frowned and looked away.
Ignoring his upsetting change, Eve felt the cold stone wall blocking the path.
  Bailee looked around. "We are closed in" she panicked
  "No duh" David replied
  Casper gave him a sharp look. "It's ok let's just turn back"
  "No I mean we are closed in on one room" Bailee repeated
  "You're right"
  "But, but that's not possible" Raven took heavy breaths, clearly claustrophobic.
  "Calm down Raven. It's just magic" Eve said trying to calm her down
  "Easy for you to say when you can heal yourself" she mumbled under her breath
"Let's try to find a way out" David ordered the group
They didn't have much time before the room started to shake. The ground split in half. Hula's paws slipped and fell in the crack.
"No" Eve yelled trying to grab for the dog's collar. The room shook again. Eve fell in too this time.
Then a third shake knocked down the rest of the group. Then they all heard the rush of water. It poured into the crack creating a water fall that rushed right on top of them.

"Let them have their fun. They'll never find this room" A deep voice said behind a chair, behind a desk, behind a door. "I want you to stay put. You and Scarlet will do"
"B-but Sir, Ne-" Piper stuttered
He raised his hand and she shut up. He turned in his chair slowly. "Neptune won't make it Piper. He's weak. But you and Scarlet are shining stars. You've made it the longest Piper"
"I-I guess your right" she beamed with pride. "She should listen to me master! I-I know things. I know how things work here"
He sighed. "Yes, indeed. Now go away"
"Yes master" she giggled as she closed the door to his room.
Scarlet stepped out. "You aren't making me listen to her are you"
"No, she just needed some.."
"Self esteem? Back bone? Sass? The girl is as shy as a chihuahua. How do you trust her to do anything" Scarlet walked over to his desk
"She's just trust worthy" he answered
"Whatever" Scarlets tone getting bored of the topic

  Eve gasped for air. She couldn't really swim, but she could hold her breath for a long time. They were in a room that had many puzzles on the walls. A speaker turned on.
Beep. "Hello. Testing!" It pierced through their ears.
  "What is this place" David yelled
  "Ha this is your death" A high pitched voice giggled. Piper without a doubt.
"Piper we know it's you" Bailee pointed out
Their was a laugh, "but am I here, here, or there" her voice bounced around the room.
"Show yourself you coward" Sir Trent yelled
"No use in hiding" Raven kicked the wall
The room shifted. Then sand poured from the top like a hour glass. "You have fifty minutes before you go boom boom bye" she laughed evilly

Her Life Story.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ