Author's Note Left On Fridge

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  Hey guys it's Eve here. I know you might not like me doing this. Like without some of the story being spilled out, but I really don't care. Just kidding! Your opinion is important to me. So I want to give a shout out to Mysterygirl1144960 for commenting, Masked_11 for voting, and lorax-27 for adding this story to their reading list. I can't thank you enough. Thanks to anyone else who reads.

Somethings you didn't know!
  1) Some of the characters are based on "real life" people!
  Yes, this is true. Characters like Gaby, from the school store, and Sara are actually based on my sister. David is based on my brother. Bailee, or Lee, is based on Mysterygirl1144960 as well. There was another character but Mysterygirl1144960 is really shy. Ha ha, she's going to kill me. Plus, Eve is based on me, but I'm no where near anything like her.

  2) Ship Names
  It funny, I ship my own characters. Here are the names.
Bailee + Casper = Caslee
Eve + Sir Trent = Sir Eve
Eve + Matt = Meve
Raven + Amber = Ramber
Marco + May = Marcy
Jada + CJ = Cada
OTP on the fifth level!!!!!

3) Traitor?
I'm making one of the characters a traitor to Eve. And I accidentally let it slip out in one of my chapters. So uh yeah. You can go check, but don't tell anyone if you find the slip up. Only one person knows about it. Let me tell you, it took her forever to find it.

4) My writing passion!
  I've been writing way before this app, but this app lets me show them to other people. I love to express myself in this way. It helps me calm down, but I'm overly happy most of the time.

Ok well that's all I really have to say. If there are any questions, you can leave them in the comments. Also I love you guys very much. Thanks for everything. I can't tell you how much I love to write this at one in the morning!


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