Chapter 44- Dad's home

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  The man was shocked at first. Eve smiled not knowing how he'd react. For a moment it was still and silent. The man blinked like he had never seen another human in a long time. A kind smile formed on his face, and Eve knew there would be no trouble.
  "Well it's always nice to receive visitors. Come on now, let me take a look at that leg" his deep kind voice was welcoming "is it just you"
  "No sir, a huntress could not be complete without her partner" Eve looked back to the bathroom/bedroom door. Matt stepped out from the hiding spot. "And our companion" Sir Trent also stepped out, but seemed a little offended with the title 'companion'.
  "Huntress you say. I haven't heard that in so long. You know I was one back....back when I was a lil boy" he smiled, but it seemed like it hurt to use the word huntress. "Well now, are you thirsty, hungry? I'd offer you some tea, but I think I just ran out. Is hot chocolate alright with y'all?"
  The three nodded. What a nice man? Eve looked at him for a while. He had black hair just like Bailee, and their smiles were identical. Eve wondered if she was the only one that knew of the fatherly daughter connection.
"Y'all should rest" he said handing us cups of warm coco. They were silent for a couple of minutes. Eve decided it would be better to point out the connection.
She cleared her throat. "If you don't mind me asking um.."
"Mr.Woods" he clarified
"Yes Mr.Woods, if you don't mind me asking. When we were in your bedroom or uh bathroom, you had a framed picture of your family I assume"
He sighed. "Yes that was my family"
Eve frowned. "And your daughter. Did you love her"
He looked a little uncomfortable, but answered anyway, "of- of coarse. What dad would I be if I didn't love her"
"Was her name Bailee" Eve blurted
out. The room went silent. I guess I only noticed the connection.
"H- how did you know" he stuttered
Matt spoke up. "She's one of our friends. Eve being her closest. Their like sisters. I guess Eve assumed right"
"Where is she? Is she here? Is she okay?" He urged questions to them
"Calm down Mr. Tree. She's got to be here somewhere" Sir Trent rolled his eyes
"You mean you lost her" Mr. Woods panicked
Eve shook her head, "No! Nothing like that. Well, sort of. You see we kind of got separated from our group. We don't know where we are"
His body relaxed. "Oh I see. You'll have to stay here over night. The master doesn't let me roam until morning, but I've never been able to get out of the area. The only way is up"
We must have traveled down here with the waterfall. How are we going to go back? Eve frowned thinking about it.
Mr. Woods noticed her saddened expression. "Don't worry. Y'all will think of something. You might need to sleep on it. I'll get y'all comfortable, and we can think of a plan when morning comes"
But Eve didn't feel at all satisfied. A felt of desperation crept over her. It sunk into her gut and sat their screaming you'll never see your friends or family again. The feeling stayed with her. It stayed there even when Mr. Woods gave her the taco dinner. It was still there when he told them of his many great adventures and that anything was possible. It was still there when he handed each of them a soft comfy blanket. It was still there when he let her sleep in his bed. It was still there when a certain someone noticed the feeling was still there.                         "Don't worry we'll find the others soon" Sir Trent interrupted her train of thought. Eve didn't really go to sleep straight away. She didn't have a clue what time it was at that point, but it seemed like hours have passed them by. 
"I just miss them so much. Wow! I never thought I would say that," Eve laughed and sighed, "I am scared, scared that we will never find them".                         Sir Trent frowned "Where is the old Eve? You were the one that would always be so hopeful. Why are you so mopey?"                                                       
   "That's not the Eve I know. Back when I was semi-normal I was always like this. I was dull, boring, untalented. Maybe its just you guys that make me interesting".                                                          Sir Trent climbed on top of the bed. Eve got up so he could scoot next to her. He put a comforting arm around her, and Eve rested her head on his shoulder. "No, we just brought out your inner beauty. Because you never show anybody your real personality, no one ever gets to see this"
For a moment, they just sat there in silence warmed up by one-another. Eve couldn't move. She just wanted to phase into the darkness. She still wasn't convinced. She still didn't feel
safe or worry free. Where was her comforting voice in the time of need? The only person that came to her mind was-

"Here this is for you" the master shoved a sliver gun towards Piper
Piper glowed with awe. "For me. Oh you shouldn't have"
"Poison dart gun. One shot and the enemy is dead" his dead voice sent chills down her spine.
She dried her throat and laughed wryly. "You want me to use this new dart gun? I- i think it's too much. Really, Scarlet can use this. You really want to give this to me?"
"Do as you wish with it. It's my treat. How about you go check on our prisoner? Show Scarlet on your way out" he batted the conversation away.
"Sure do boss" she giggled holding the dart gun.

Eve couldn't think because Sir Trent cupped her chin with his finger. His eyes stared deeply into hers. Eve's heart beat faster and the color of her cheeks turned reddish. As he leaned in closer she could feel his breath and smell his sweet cologne still attached to his clothes.
Nothing in this world can go any slower, but fast at the same time. Sir Trent leaned closer. Their noses touched. *wa...stuffffSfbkgb* error* Eve's mind couldn't grasp what was happening. Sir Trent's other arm grabbed her cheek. Their lips were now almost touching.
No. No, I can't. Eve shoved him away. She felt tears swelling up in her eyes. Desperation, anxiety, and anger took over her mind. She stared into the black haired boys stunned face.
"What's wrong Saguaro. Are you okay"
"Don't call me that you jerk!" She cried, "And I'm not okay".
Sir Trent tried to hug her. "Look, we'll find the others"
"Don't touch me!" She snapped
"I thought you liked me!" He reminded her adding fuel to the flame.
She sarcastically laughed. "And where were you! Where were you when I told you, that I-I liked you?" She started to cry, "where were you when I ran into the forest...Mr.Super Sonic Speed, Sir Flash, huh?"
He looked away. "I was stunned. Because I never thought my crush would ever like me" he blushed
"Well you're a little too late" she huffed getting up from the bed. Shoving her shoes on she slammed the bedroom door. Matt and Mr. Woods jumped awake.
Sir Trent yelled after her. "Where are you going, Eve!"
She wiped her eyes. "To find my only friends"
She put her hand on the doorknob and sighed. Then she yanked it open. Little did she know Piper stood on the other side holding a new gun given to her by master.

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