Chapter 4- Being A Team Player

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They walked to the mess hall. It was crowded there. Kids that looked the same age as her stood everywhere. They all stood in pairs. Whether it was two girls, two boys, boy and girl, they all stood in pairs of two. Looking around made it feel like she wasn't the only one to be unhappy. Guessing by Bailee's story, she was staying with her partner for a long time.
They opened the entrance to a big room filled with tables. Everyone rushed in and sat down with their partners. Eve sat uncomfortably next to Matt. How did he get here? She thought.
The same three adults she saw in the wood room walked on to the stage. The women with red hair stepped up to the microphone. The room that was full of noise dropped dead silent.
"We welcome you to base 1127. We hope that you will become as great as our hunters now. The base has excepted all of you in. We hope none of you will fail the first semester. Now a few words from your former teacher" she finished
"Who is that" Eve whispered to Matt
"That's the dean, Mrs. Phoenix" he informed her
The guy with black spiked hair stepped up to the microphone swiftly "You all remember me from base 1126. If you don't, I'm Sir Trent. I'll be your officer from now on. Kids mess around too much. Someone has to keep an eye on you. That's me" he pointed two thumbs at his face "of course that doesn't mean you should treat me differently. If you do I'll make sure to give you a special treatment" he snickered. Eve could see two kids shiver in front of her.
  "Ok. I'm professor Adam your new teacher" piped up the guy with brown hair as he pushed Sir Trent out of the way "I'm looking forward to teaching you" he smiled
  Eve looked down at her schedule. She had him. She looked at her map next. Bailee was right. The class was on the next floor. The floor under her. He seemed nice to Eve though. She looked forward to it.
  "I will train you to work on your partnership. Working together is a key element in a case. That's why it's very important that you always have a partner. To remind you, classes begin tomorrow morning. I expect to see new faces" he walked back to his original spot. Mrs. Phoenix walked up again
  "Now for the moment you've all been waiting for, the belt show case. Don't touch. This stuff is from the tomb it's self" she moved her hand to signal a person to open the curtains. Behind the curtains where a bunch of cases filled with precious objects. Kids went from their seats to the stage.
Eve followed Matt through the crowd. Kids pushed and shoved, but they got through just fine. Matt had led them to a glass box. In it was five belts.
"You have to be really something to get one of these. Yellow is the lowest. The red one is the highest. This was the only hunter to get all of them. She was awesome" his eyes staring at the belts
"Who was she" Eve asked
He sighed "only the most bravest thing on the planet. Not only did she get all five belts, but she was top rank for half her hunter time. She was excepted in the hunters league. She was  really young when that happened you know. Not a lot of people get in"
  "Oh ok" Eve looked at Matt who was starring at the huntress. He looked like a two year old starring at the last piece of candy. 
  Eve starred at the portrait of the huntress. Her hair was pitch black, her eyes a piercing yellow. Her eyes starred into Eve's soul telling her something. But in a small whisper. It was so faint, but you could still hear it. A- accept.....   That's all she heard. Then a boom. A shaky women's voice cracked ACCEPT THE FATE AND BREAK THE PROMISE.
  Eve stumbled back and was swept away in the crowd of kids. All rushing in different directions, they pushed her to the center. She stood up, looked around, and sighed. I'm still alive. That's a good thing right? She looked around. She could see Matt looking for her, but instead went to search for Bailee. It was they only person she wanted to talk to right now.
  She found Bailee. She was standing behind a booth talking to kids about the proper way to tie your belt. Eve walk over to the booth. Bailee saw her and signaled the other person to fill in.
"Hey what's up" she waved
"What's up! What's up! I have the most annoying boy as a partner. How am I supposed to fit in anyway? It's not like I'm one of you guys. I'm not strong or smart" she complained
  "Let me tell you something. Everyone who comes here isn't always strong or smart. They just have to make the right choices"
  "Bailee I think it takes more than right choices. I feel like I don't need this maybe just like put me somewhere else. I know! How about home?"
  Bailee laughed "You will, trust me. I was like that, but look at me. I was even annoyed I got Casper, but you saw what happened. I started to like him"
  Eve gagged  "so you're saying I'm going to end up liking Matt. Ew no! Please no! I'd rather eat my own poop than like that guy"
  Bailee laughed again. This time falling on the floor with laughter. She got back up and giggled a little more.
  "What's so funny" Eve replied
  "Eat your own poop! Over a guy!" She laughed again
  "I'm serious" Eve was serious
  "I'm sorry there is nothing I can do about it" she stopped laughing
  "You mean I'm stuck with him" Eve gasped
  "Like two sticks super glued"
  Eve could have fainted, but Carter ran up to them.
  "Hi guys. How's it going Eve? Are you liking your partner" he smiled
  Eve groaned. "She doesn't want to talk about it" whispered Bailee
  "Oh ok. I understand. Don't worry. You'll get used to it. You have to if you want good scores" he pointed out. They had to work together just to pass, but what was Eve worried about. She doesn't belong here.
  "Any way, Bailee I was hoping that you would like to come and join me at the button booth. We need another person" he offered 
  "Sure" she accepted the offer and winked at Eve as she left to the booth. Ew never in a million years. Then she heard someone scream her name. She turned to look. She saw Matt running her way.
  "I was looking for you. Didn't you hear me" he panted
  "Couldn't hear you over the noise" she lied
  "I don't think you are getting this whole partner thing"
  "Matt I don't have time for this" Eve groaned. This is the last person she wanted to be around. She just met the guy.
  "Well we better get going. This place closes in five minutes" he looked down at his watch
  "But it's only been like ten minutes" Eve insisted
  "No we've been here for thirty" he checked his watch again
  "But...." Was it when I got that voice? Was I just standing there instead of falling? I swear it's only been ten minutes. 
  She again followed Matt through the herd of kids. They went in the elevator and to their door. Eve was tired and wasn't about to start a fight. Matt decides to take a bath first. They had almost seen Matt naked when he almost walked out naked. He said he forgot his towel. Then after she took a bath she got into her night cloths. Matt argued it would be safer if they slept together. Eve said to suck it up and jumped into her bed and closed her eyes. She didn't want to talk. She only wanted to wake up from this nightmare.
Boom! Went thunder outside. The rain poured down hard. Through the window you could see flashes of light. Crack! Another lighting struck down to earth. Someone whimpered. Eve opened her eyes. At first it was too dark, but the lighting light up the room.  On the other bed she saw Matt shivering. He jumped when he heard another boom of thunder. Eve rolled her eyes in the dark.
  "Come over here you scaredy cat" Eve scooted over
  "Thanks. I'm afraid of thunder. It just seems so scary when I'm alone" he whimpered as he dragged himself on to Eve's bed.
  "Just don't touch me ok" she grunted as she turned over
  "What are you afraid of" he whispered as the rain poured down harder
  "Nothing" she answered, but deep down she knew she was scared of her own life. Like where it would take her is terrifying. Her biggest fear though is being alone. To not have anyone else to count on is her nightmare.
  She turned around to see if Matt would insist on her telling him, but he was fast asleep on the other side. She then closed her eyes and fell asleep.
               Some where in Egypt
In a tomb of an old hunter, stood a tall man. He took out a watch. Nine o'clock he said to himself. Where is that scrawny women. She should be here by now.
"Master I'm here" she squeaked
"You are late" his deep voice cutting her soul "did he enter"
"Yes sir"
"Perfect! Did you get that medallion from the hunters tomb" he asked
She pulled a metal circle out of her bag "here you go sir"
"Great, perfect" he snatched it out of her hand. He held it up to his eyes, taking in all its beauty. The without any hesitation placed it in a hole in the tomb. The symbols light up. The wall split open and revealed one necklace placed neatly on another wall. He took it off the wall with care. He placed it in a case he brought with him. When he locked the case, he handed it to the women.
"Don't let this one get away" he told her before exiting the tomb. The women sighed and stuffed the case in her bag.
"I hope you are ok" she whispered thinking of her co- worker in crime. Who had left to accomplish his work yesterday.

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