Chapter 6 - Mountain Climbing

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  "I think I'm going to be sick" Eve held her stomach as they walked out the simulator
  They looked around. It was a mountainous area. You could see high up a mountain. They were at the way bottom. They could tell they had to mountain climb, but why a pickaxe? They looked around waiting for Mr. Adam's advice.
"Ok your goal is to go mountain climbing, but you must find the hidden rainbow rocks in the mountain. That's why you have a pickaxe. Now be careful. If you hit the wrong rock, you might cause the whole mountain to collapse" he responded
Everyone nodded and headed towards the mountain. They walked along side each other. They were the second to last team to reach the mountain. The other boy and girl group were last. The team kept stopping and fighting about what their strategy would be. Eve felt relieved to see she wasn't in the only group to be fighting each other. 
  Once they were ready, Matt shot up the grappling hook. Eve held the pickaxe, and Matt said he was an expert at locating hidden objects. All she had to do was carefully take it out. Matt started climbing first. Eve wasn't knew to climbing. She did it a lot, but wasn't that good at it either. She had poor upper body strength. She struggled to pull herself up most times. The only thing that was more terrifying was the height they would have to climb. Eve didn't have a huge problem with heights, but if her hand slipped she would plummet to the ground.
"Enjoying the view" he called down to Eve
"Ugh! Matt we don't have time for this. Just climb and look for the stone" she huffed back
"Whatever you say kitty" he replied
Eve followed behind him for a good three minutes before he said to hit here. She clenched the pickaxe. She lifted it up and clink! Nope it was just more dull colored rock. It should be easy find a rainbow colored rock. But again the mountain was huge, and the rock was hidden.
"I thought you said you were an expert" Eve complained to him
He looked down "Yeah but experts aren't always right you know" he kept climbing
"We better not be the team to collapse the mountain" she mumbled
  Eve looked ahead of Matt. She could see the all girl team score a rainbow stone. All they had to do now is make it to the top. Mr. Adam never gave us the yellow flags. But then she looked down and saw a yellow flag neatly placed in a belt loop on her suit. She pulled herself up again. She struggled to find a foot hold and slipped. She hurriedly caught herself . That was a close one. I could have been dead meat if I didn't catch myself.
  "Hit here" directed Matt. Eve lifted the pickaxe with one arm again. She sent it down and crack! It was silent first, but then the whole mountain shook. One boy almost fell to his doom. Everyone was pretty shaken.
  "Matt!" I yelled
  "I got this. Don't worry" he smiled
  Eve frowned "Don't worry. What do you mean don't worry? The whole mountain just shook almost knocking a kid off"
  "Hit over there" he pointed
  "This better be right" Eve went closer to the spot.
  She picked up the pickaxe another time. She dove in for the hit. Clunk! The pickaxe was stuck. She tugged at it, but it never moved.
  "Great" she mumbled as she tried one more time to get it out. She used both arms while her feet where securely placed on two stuck out rocks. She tugged and pulled. Then with one last tug it popped out, but also knocked her off the foot holds.
  "Matt!" She screamed trying to grab on to the rope of the grappling hook.
  "Eve!" He yelled as he desperately tried to grab her arm, but it was too late.
  She tumbled down the mountain. Half way down she stopped on a rock ledge luckily. Her head ached and blood was gushing out of her left arm. Matt looked down terrified. He was relieved to see her body pull itself up.
"I'm coming down to get you. Don't move" he shouted to her
She looked up "I'm not going any where"
She looked around. The rope was at least a meter and a half a way. It would be dangerous to jump and try to catch it. So she couldn't really move. She looked down. She could see where they came from. The simulator was gone. It was most likely at the finishing point. She looked beside her. On the right was nothing but more mountain. On the left was actually a cave. At least a foot or three gap between the ledge and the cave opening. If she hopped, she could make it. And like any sane person would do, she hopped to the opening of the cave unprotected from the beasts or attackers that might be in it.
It was dark. Reminds me of my safe place. Nice and dark. She thought as she ran her fingers across the dirt wall. It was small and quiet. There was nothing in it but air and dirt. She slumped down and tried to rest. She looked at her arm to see if it was still bleeding. No way. Her arm had completely healed. Wow this necklace is magic. She closed her eyes. I'm pretty sure everyone can see me taking a nap at the base, but what else can I do? I'm stuck here. She did just that take a nap.
She started to dream. She was on a plane. It was about to leave. The cops ushered a man off. Something about stealing something, but she really didn't pay attention. What caught her eye was a women across from her. Eve couldn't make out the face, but the women had orange died hair and big green eyes. The women smiled showing her teeth.
  The women gentle batted her purse in satisfaction. She looked relieved at the same time. Then the scene shifted. She could see a man. All she could make out was that he had black hair, but that was all.
  He was on the phone and talking loudly. He paced back and fourth. Eve looked around the room. It was lit by a candles on a table in the center of the room. There were no windows. A steel door was shut on the left. She could see the faint red color on the walls. She was standing on a rectangular carpet with a zig zag pattern.
  The man slammed his hand on the table in the center. The candles shook. He yelled "Why haven't you completed your mission? I need that necklace you hear me! If I don't get it in a week, I'm going to rip your heart straight from your chest. You hear me!?"
  "Yes boss" came a muffled voice from the phone
  "A week. That's all you have. If I don't have it by that Tuesday you are dead meat" he shouted into the phone and snapped it shut. He looked straight towards Eve.
  "You want my necklace" she mumbled with fear
  "You! How are you hear" he looked surprised
  "Why do you want it. It's mine. You can't have it" she yelled
  "Give it to me child! You don't know what power it holds" he snatched for it. Eve quickly moved back.
  "No it's mine" she hissed
  He hurried after it. She ran away quickly darting his hands. He ran her into a corner. He closed her in. She looked at him with terrified eyes.
  "I found it! I get to keep it"
  "It's not a toy. It's a priceless thing, and I need it"
  "For what? Wearing?" She mocked back
  "Give it over"
  "No never!" She screamed
  She tries to run away, but he jumped on her causing both of them to fall on the ground. Eve struggled to get up. He kept reaching for it.
  "It's mine" she yelled
  "Wake up" he yelled back
  Eve's eyes fluttered open. Matt stood I front of her with a worried expression. His hands were on her shoulders. She quickly brushed them away.
  "You scared the cheese balls out of me! I thought you died"
  "I thought I was about to die too" Eve huffed as she got up and brushed off the dirt.
  "You can't scare me like that, but not to fear you knight is here" he bowed
  "More like moron" she murmured under her breath "so how are we getting out"
  "Oh don't worry I have the rope outside" he climbed out the cave to reveal the rope attached to the side of the ledge by the pickaxe.
  "How did you get that pickaxe" Eve questioned
  "I found it right here" he answered
  "But-" Eve couldn't remember the pickaxe being here. It should have fell.
  "Let's get going. The other teams must be already there by now" Matt was right. Almost all the teams were at the finishing point. It was them and the other boy and girl group. Except they had a rainbow rock already. Matt and Eve had to step up their game. Immediately they started climbing back up the mountain.
"Hit here" Matt directed
"I can't"
"Ugh just do it"
Eve reached forward in an attempt to get the spot. Then a shimmer caught her eye. She looked towards it, but Matt's head blocked the way.
"What's the hold up" he looked at Eve for an answer
"Duck" she mumbled
"What" he said in confusion
"Duck" she replied
"We are on a mountain. There are no ducks around anywhere. Eve I think you hit your head a few times too many" he chuckled
"No duck" Eve replied again as she hurled the pickaxe. Matt ducked scared that his comment made her that mad that she had to throw something.
The pickaxe landed on the shimmery spot. Then it cracked open. Reveling a huge rainbow rock. Eve stood amazed it even made it. Matt also looked surprised. The picked out the rock with the pickaxe. Matt of course decided he should take it because he was the strongest. Eve couldn't really disagree. She injured herself, but they were healed though.
They walked up the rope. The other team not far behind them as the clung to the rope. Once at the top, the other teams pulled them up. They all gave high fives. Eve and Matt pulled out there yellow flags. They dropped the flags together.
After that, they all cheered for the other team. They soon made it up and cheering begun. The simulated was there to take them back. Going over there, Eve tuned in to the last teams conversation.
"You could have done better" said the girl
"You know I'm not good at climbing" the boy told her
"Well you should practice more" she huffed
"Well maybe you should loosen up" he shouted slashed whispered
"Maybe we shouldn't be partners" the girl turned away from him
"We can't do that. That would be against the rules" he yelled after her
There's a rule. There is no changing or anything. Eve thought about that. Even when she was on the dizzy ride back to the base. She didn't really enjoy Matt. Especially with the incident that happened in the morning. I hope Bailee is doing better than I am. Was she watching me at the base? I wonder....

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