Chapter 28- Purple?

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Another note: Ok just wanted to tell you if you haven't checked my tags or read my conversations, I entered my story in the Wattys! I might get a shout out from it. If it's even good enough that is. If you want to enter your own story, check my page for people I follow. Then look for TheWattys page. They have the whole guide and everything. Entries end in August, so you better hurry.

As Eve fell threw the black hole, she took the time to really say goodbye to Mr. Adam. She knew this wouldn't be the last time they saw each other. Down she went. It felt like a year before she actually fell back into her home town.
Eve's stomach dropped. How could she forget that vivid dream of David. Her town looked exactly like the one in her dream. The more she thought of it, the more she knew it was real. Then that means.......David! He must be someone here! Oh rabbits hole!
  "Is everyone ok" Casper looked for everyone helping Bailee up. Eve noticed a little blush but didn't say anything.
  "I'm fine" Eve rolled her eyes and smirked. Bailee got the message. She shot her death eyes, and Eve burst out laughing.
  Matt brushed off his ripped cloths. Sir Trent helped up Raven. They heard a loud slap. Eve turned her head.
  "What was that for" Sir Trent rubbed his face
  Raven growled. "Don't you dare touch my butt ever again"
  They all burst out laughing. After what they just went threw, they were laughing. Eve shook her head.
  "I know where to go" she motioned her hand. "This way"
  Eve realized they landed near the ashes of the school. So maybe it would only take them thirty minutes to get to her hole on foot. Eve looked around at the burning buildings. What happened? Where is everyone? Oh yeah! My hole!
  She stepped over a broken bike. This place is a mess. Eve kept walking. Then she saw it. An untouched truck parked in front of a burnt down ice cream stand. Eve quickly ran up to it pulling open the truck door.
  "What are you doing" Raven cocked up her eyebrow
  Eve smiled. "The keys are here"
"Saguaro I like the way you think" Sir Trent hopped in
Bailee gasped "We aren't going to steal it, are we"
"There fault for leaving it open" Casper brushed past her. Bailee quickly changed her mind.
Matt smiled "Finders keepers"
"Ok who's driving. Bailee or Casper" Eve turned around "You should know or at least have a clue"
They both looked at Eve with clueless expressions. Eve frowned "I take that as a no"
"You can't blame them. The base didn't have drivers Ed" Sir Trent shrugged. "Hey but I can drive"
"Then let's get driven" Matt got in. When everyone else did, Sir Trent started the car.
"Ok where do we go" Casper turned to Eve
Eve almost finished "You should g-"
"Head east. Then take a left turn, go straight, and take a right turn. There we get out of the car because we have to walk in the woods. In the south direction we'll find her rabbits hole" Raven ended
"How'd you know that" Bailee looked at her suspicious
Raven rolled her eyes. "I hacked into you bag portal device. You should really think of changing your password. Caslee010604, really?"
Bailee blushed. Casper turned around with a cocked eyebrow. "Who's Caslee"
"Uh......just....ah......old friend.....of mines" Bailee punched Raven in the arm
"Ouch that hurt so much" She responded in a sarcastic tone
They where quiet on the ride. Matt tried to make conversations, but it would never carry on. Soon enough the truck made some weird noises and stopped mid street. They all groaned.
"Is there a place we can eat" Bailee grabbed her stomach
Eve looked around. "What about that weird building that looks completely safe even though it's in shambles"
  "Seems fine to me" Casper walked in front of Eve. The group followed him. It looked like a small restaurant built with non-burnt wood and metal. The place looked like it could crash any minute. A sign hung above the entry way. It read: Yadira's Roadhouse.
  "Sounds tacky" Raven eyeballed the door
  "You don't know until you try it" Matt walked first. When Eve walked in, the smell of alcohol hit her nostrils. She cringed at the strong scent.
  The place looked decent for the amount of crisis. Guys and gals clashed cups. They laughed like bears. Only one noise stood out. The clapping, cheering, and shouting "PURPLE! PURPLE!"
  "Here have another one" a teenage girl with black hair walked up to the man called 'Purple'. She had a name tag. It read Yadira. "You deserve it mí amor"
  "Thank you mí amor" he took the drink and gulped it down. Wiping the leftovers off his mustache. He set the cup down, and the group cheered louder. "PURPLE! PURPLE!"
  When he looked in their direction, his face darkened. The crowd got quiet. He stood up and cracked his head like you would with your knuckles.
  Getting a closer look, Eve could see his full image and smell his drunk scent. He covered half of his face with a purple mask. He had a black t-shirt on and above it was a grey jacket. The jeans wrapped up the rebel look with some sneakers. He stood tall with strong limbs. There was no telling what this guy's been through.
"Oh yeah your Eve alright" he spit out some gum
Matt stepped forward. "We aren't looking for a fight ok buddy. Back off"
"Who said anything about fighting" he walked closer to Matt. "Are you picking a fight with me"
"Hey my boy Matt is a great fighter" Sir Trent piped up. Eve could hear a loud gulp from Matt.
"Shut up" whispered Bailee, but Sir Trent insisted.
"Ok if your so tuff then I challenge you to a drink off. First one tipsy loses" he smiled motioning the teen to get some more beer
"Deal" Sir Trent yelled patting Matt on the back.
"Nice job you talking turd" Raven shoved past the two of them. We all stood around the large round table. On one side Matt shook just with Purple's glare, on the other end Purple shot red laser beams at Matt with a smirk.
"Has he even had a drink in his life" Eve asked curious to know
Casper shook his head. "No experience at all with alcohol"
"This is gonna be great" Sir Trent leaned on the table
"On your marks" Yadira held up two cups. "Get set"
"Your dead meat kid" Purple strikes fear into his heart
"Thanks for the reminder" Matt mumbled
"Go" she put down the drinks. Each of them reached for one. Then they gulped down the cup full of beer. That's one, two, five! Eve counted the cups in her mind.
"Tipsy yet" Purple put down his cup
Matt blinked then smiled "I-I'm fine. I'm not tipsy"
Sir Trent leaned to Eve's ear. "I'm transporting the beer back to the jug"
Eve giggled but quickly strained her self to stop.
"The winner guy" the black haired girl said puzzled
"Purple never looses" he got up sending Matt an alert signal. "Good job"
Purple laughed. "Your pretty tuff"
"Uh thanks" Matt would have peed his pants
"Eve, gal pals, follow me" he motioned his hand
"Wait who are you" Eve asked, like she did the last time a friend asked her to follow them
"You don't recognize me" He pulled off his mask
"Purple" Sir Trent widened his eyes

Her Life Story.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang