Chapter 31- First Encounter

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  The truck came to a slow stop. They had spent almost three hours looking around town for the four criminals. David hopped out the front, Hula behind him.
  "I got these sandwiches you guys can eat. We can find a clear spot to eat them" he threw Hula a piece of ham
  They found one near the highway. Sitting down, Eve scanned around the area. Ashes everywhere, broken burnt cars, buildings still crumbling, it was a disaster. Why couldn't they find the cause of it? Were they hiding? Or waiting?
  "These are delicious Purple" Bailee took another sandwich from David's basket
  He shrugged. "Just mama's old recipe with a little touch"
  Casper rolled his eyes and pushed away his sandwich. Eve laughed. "You mean you actually used my tip"
  "No it's my original secret ingredient" he laid back
  "Whatever" Eve threw Hula some cheese
  Once they were done, they picked up their trash and packed up.
  "Hurry up Raven" Casper yelled. Raven tried petting Hula. She stopped her foot.
  "C'mon I'm not that scary" she ran after the dog. Hula ran past a building. Raven followed her. Then stopped. Hula barked loudly at nothing.
  "Raven what's keeping you" Matt yelled. Most of them had gotten into the car. Eve looked back.
  "I-I'll go look for her"
  Eve could see Raven standing still in front of a used to be Kroger. What the heck is up with her?
  Raven stepped closer. Hula barked and growled. It can't be! No? How? Raven took another step.
  "Raven" Eve yelled. No response. She walked faster. Raven took another step. Hula growled.
  "Amber!" Raven yelled. Eve saw Raven run into the forest neighborhood behind the store rubbish. Eve ran after her, cutting through the house ashes. You could hear the barking of Hula.
  Raven kept running. I saw her! I-I know I did! She kept running. Raven felt the hot tears stream down her face. I know I hear Eve. It doesn't matter. She wouldn't understand. I-I have to find her. I have to! Raven ran into a dead end. Breathing heavily she cried out Amber's name. She got four figures standing in front of her instead.
  "Well what do we got here" a women's voice came from the cloak as red as fire
  Three other figures stood surrounding her. One was dark blue like the ocean. Another was foggy gray like a storm cloud. The last was a bright green like a fresh grass on a field.
  Raven backed up. Hula barked loudly again.
  "Can't we just kill her now" a scratchy voice came from the grey cloak
The blue on stepped up. "This isn't the right one Scarlet"
"She is pretty though" the green cloaks' voice came
The red cloak groaned "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! All of you"
Raven stomped her foot. "What do you even want with me" the blue guy said I wasn't the right one. So are they looking for Eve?
"Scarlet we should leave this one alone. It's not the right one" the blue cloak said again
"I can see that Neptune" she shouted back. "Zephyr what do you think"
"Let's kill her. Take her away" When the grey cloak spoke, Raven felt a slight chilling breeze
The green one stepped up. "Spare this one Scarlet. She's not the flower we're looking for"
"I suppose you're right Ivy, but I'm watching you" The red cloak turned to leave. Her companions followed close behind her.
Hula barked at them as they left. "Hey where's my friend Amber" Raven yelled back. They kept walking. Raven almost followed them but Eve grabbed her arm.
"Are you ok"
"I'm fine" she shoved Eve off. Looking back to the figures, they disappeared. "Eve! You let them get away"
"The four...ugh! You idiot! We could have saved Amber"
Eve frowned. "We couldn't have gone after them anyway. It's too dangerous"
"Don't you understand! Amber is my friend, our friend! We can't just let them take her" she cried
Eve felt her face heat up. "I know, but we can't do it alone, or we'll get caught"
"You don't understand! No one does. No one...except her" Raven brushed past her. Eve looked shocked. Why do I feel like I can relate to her?
Hula waddled up to her. Eve picked the dog up. They headed back to the truck.
Raven stomped past Matt. She angrily slammed the car door.
"What's up with her" Sir Trent asked
Eve smiled. "Just leave her alone for now. I don't think she wants to talk about it"
"She's always trying to make a scene. She thinks she's so important. Ugh lets just go already" Bailee tapped her foot
"Ok, ok let's go" Eve laughed. She put Hula in the truck and they went searching.
Raven looked out the window. I saw her. I know I did.

"And that's why I'm friends with a cockroach" Sir Trent finished his hilariously stupid story
"Is that even true" Eve asked laughing
He rolled his eyes. "Saguaro you gotta trust me with these type of things"
David walked in with a newly sharpened machete "We go out again tomorrow"
"Awe come on. I'm so tired" Bailee stretched and yawned
"I don't want to her it Bailee, but we could go to the gaming area"
Eve looked at him. "Gaming area?"
He chuckled. "I saved a few from my collection. I'm really good at most of them"
Bailee lit up. "That sounds amazing I can't wait"
"I'm good at video games" he boasted
Sir Trent spit out his water "Oh really now" he laughed
"We'll see" Bailee got up and left to get ready. Casper mumbled to himself getting up to get ready also. Sir Trent left with David. Raven pushed herself back on the rock and started snoring.
Matt and Eve were left in there. She smiled.
"Was it that obvious" she blushed sliding over next to him.
"It's too obvious. It's sad" he laughed leaning against the rock
"Do you think I should tell him" she lowered her voice
He looked over to her. "If you don't I will"
"Oh shut up" she pushed him "I'm going to get ready. See ya" she left the room.
"See ya, partner" he waved and let his heart sink.

This time Bailee got a dream. She was on one of her first missions. At the moment, she was behind a rock. There were people running past her. Casper sat next to her.
  "Bailee you need to get back to base" he clutched his side
  "Y-you're wounded. I'm not leaving you" she looked scared
  You could see the blood now. "Bailee listen to me. You need to go"
  "No! No I can't" she cried
  He pulled out a bag. "Take my portal. Use it for me. Tell them I couldn't make it. Trust me" he handed it to her
  She sobbed and hugged him. Multiple arrows came rushing down hitting the rock protecting them.
  "Go Bailee. Run" he yelled. She nodded and started to run. She ran as fast as she could. She dropped the portal and jumped in. She fell down the dark hole sobbing.
  "Bailee don't cry" a soft voice came
  Bailee stopped. "Mom"
  "Bailee I don't have much time"
  Bailee looked around. "How are you here? Where are you"
  "No time. I have to tell you something"
  "What! I'm listening" Bailee stared into the darkness
  "You've been betrayed. Don't trust anyone. I don't know who"
  "Yes mom. I won't. I-I promise" Bailee noted to herself
  "One more thing"
  Bailee looked worried. "What!"
  "I love you"
  "I love you too" Bailee continued to fall. In an endless dark hole she cried.

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