"Areesha I am leaving" he warned.

"Rayyan please na help me" I whined

"Wear the ones in which you will not break my hand" he said monotonous

"Hey" I chided

"What! remember last time when we attended a wedding in dubai you were clutching my hand throughout the event because of your enormous heels" he defended.
"And you almost broke my.hand" he boasted

"Yah that was a mistake but these are small" I showed him.

"Golden one" he sighed making me smile.

Wearing it I overlooked one last time before twirling around..

"Rayyan how do I look?".

No response.

"Ray look at me how do I look" I twirled again .

Standing and going towards the door he muttered.

"Make sure to wear abaya and cover your hair properly.."

Seriously.I huffed.

"And one more thing you look horrible" he smirked opening the door.

"Get out" I chided

"I am already out" he stuck his tongue out.

"Brothers are supposed to compliment" I said.

"Areesha wear Abaya and do niqab we don't want anyone get scared out side" he said earning a glare from me.

"If you don't move I am going to throw this" I said taking pillow in my hand .

"Your wish" he scoffed closing the door behind him

"Brother species has never learnt to compliment" sigh..

Taking a deep breath I proceeded towards the jewellery box .

since yesterday no matter how much I have tried I wasn't able to open it..My hands always stopped at the opening rim.

Although I was eager to see inside

Slowly and cautiously I advanced towards its rim and opened the beautiful box embedded with various stones and glasses

There lay a exquisite set of red glass bangles decorated with golden shimmer.

IT looked amazing but why it's placed in such a charming box.I thought.

Contemplating with my self I stood there confused as to wear it or not.

My mind said to wear it while my.heart warned to think just once more..

Pushing my thoughts aside I glided the smooth and silky glass bangles which attracted each other with a soft clink.

I was unaware why my heart hammered with just a small gesture.

Sliding the last one I adjusted all of them by slightly shaking my wrist to have them clicked together..

They did looked charming.

I gazed at the mirror and adjusted my hair last time for sana to see. And than I could wear the abaya..

Someone banged on the door ..

I rolled my eyes

"Sana you don't have to knock you know come in" I Said while I adjusted myself for a presentable look

The door slammed making me gaze straight at Umar..

I frozed on my spot while he stood firm on his..

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