Chapter IV - Sullen

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tw: gay slurs, swearing

Chapter IV - Sullen

[Phil&Lucas Apartment, Central London, 6:45 pm SU 28/08/16]

PHIL: "Does my shirt have any creases?"

LUCAS: "Nah, I think it's fine."

PHIL: "I still can't believe I'm going on a fancy dinner date with Dan Howell."

LUCAS: "I know right!"

PHIL: "I don't know what to do! How do I act?"

LUCAS: "Like yourself. If he's smart he'll fall in love with you straight away."

PHIL: "Is he smart?"

(doorbell rings)

LUCAS: (walks over to open door, to Phil) "Now's your chance to find out."

DAN: "Hi, Phil."

PHIL: (shyly) "Hi."

DAN: "Hey Lucas, man, I haven't seen you in ages!"

LUCAS: (laughs) "Did you find a new clubbing buddy?" (mock upset) "I thought we had something special. I'm heartbroken."

DAN: "Nah, I wouldn't do that to you." (chuckles) "You know, there's a new club opening just down the road."

LUCAS: "Yeah, yeah, I saw it yesterday."

DAN: "As soon as I saw it, I thought of you. Tomorrow?"

LUCAS: (notices Phil is uncomfortable) "Uh, yeah, I'll have to check. Anyway, you guys should get going."

DAN: (sighs) "Ok, let's go."

PHIL: (embarrassed) "Uh- yeah."

LUCAS: (shutting door behind them) "Have fun, kids."

DAN: "Come on, then. Fuck, you walk like your pet turtle just died and you're paying tribute."

PHIL: (trailing a few steps behind Dan, who is speedwalking) "Sorry, you're just going faster than I'm used to. Are we walking the whole way?"

DAN: "Fuck no. Car's parked a bit further down."

PHIL: "I didn't know you had a car."

DAN: (unlocks car, climbing in) "It's Ethan's."

PHIL: (sits in passengers seat, trying to make conversation) "How's Ethan doing?"

DAN: "Fine." (bitter) "He's your number fan, apparently."

PHIL: (surprised) "Really?"

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