Tuesday December 19th

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Tuesday December 19th

OMG I LOVE CALIFORNIA ok got that out of the way! LOL Anyway, we got in around 4pm, so we just checked in then headed to Hollywood for some sightseeing, the area is a little scary at night, but luckily we had a rental car. We had dinner over by Hollywood at a semi-fancy restaurant, actually all restaurants in LA are like semi-fancy (well maybe just to me), unless of course it's fast food or like something like it. I know everyone goes to dinner at 8pm in LA but we had dinner 6pm, it was less busy then. So we had an early night because Sunday we wanted to wake up early to hit the beach, but I did spend most of the night reading all the brochures. (I like brochures, they are always interesting, oh by the way I can't believe how much shopping there is in LA it's amazing I wish I had more money to go shopping sigh)

Sunday we went to Santa Monica beach, it wasn't that crowded probably because it wasn't that warm, it was still a nice 70 degree (can't wait!) We just lay on the beach and went to the pier and enjoyed the sun, Alex played on his portable gaming system most of the time. After the beach we walked around Beverly Hills a bit, I was hoping to spot a celebrity. (Though I probably won't even notice one if they were right in front of me) It was pretty busy people doing their holiday shopping (only rich people though), there were a bunch of decorations which was nice. Then to finish the day we did some driving around to look at all the nice houses, some of them had nice Christmas light decorations and lights too.

On to yesterday, visiting my new school! First we drove around the area, the area is really nice, lots of apartments and college related business, typical stuff you would expect by a college. When we first got there we went on a tour, campus is really big, but it's so gorgeous I love everything about it. We went to the dorms, they were actually pretty nice not like the poor ones you see on TV. They weren't too many students on campus, because they already let out, but from the ones I saw, OMG the guys are so hot, I'm going to have no problem looking for eye candy. (LOL) Some stuff was closed though so we couldn't see everything, need to convince my mom to come back soon, well I will be back from orientation, then I met with an advisor we talked about everything to prepare myself for fall. Basically I will need to apply for housing in March, when I graduate make sure they get my final transcripts then attend orientation in July where I will enroll for classes and take placement tests. Though I pretty much knew everything, I even had an idea of what classes I wanted to take. Then after that we went to the bookstore before it closed, I hinted to my mom I wanted some stuff for Christmas so she made me wait outside with Alex, who was playing video games while she brought stuff. YAY!

Then we went to the airport, we were there for a really really long time, though it was a really big airport, so we wanted to get there early as to not get lost, which we did anyway. Then when we got home I went right to sleep, I felt a little sick from the plane. (Stupid Jet lag)

Ok time to check Facebook, I haven't been on since Saturday and I wasn't on long because I had to pack and stuff.

Tyler's Facebook status says Heading to Arizona, pretty pumped (really why does he have to write that) He wrote that on Saturday.

Derek's Facebook status says Snowboarding with Jeff McAllister. That was from today.

Mostly everyone else's status was about how excited they were for Christmas or how they are glad there is no school. I noticed Ruby is online so I im her.

Me: Hey I'm back for California, it was so amazing

Ruby: Cool, Did you go to the beach, any hot guys?

Me: yes, and YES!

Ruby: omg really so tell me about them

Me: Well they are all tan and have six packs and are absolutely gorgeous, there wasn't a lot of guys on campus though because it was break

Ruby: So are you over Tyler?

Yeah just bring that up; I was having a good couple of days.

Me: Not really, but Iooking at all the hot guys definitely help, I think I'm going to take a break from guys, I mean really no guy here can compare to those guys

Ruby: Well except Kyle, but he's mine

Me: Ok (Definitely don't agree)

Ruby: Kyle is leaving tomorrow for Portland I’m going to be so bored

Me: Sorry, anyway going to bake Christmas cookies

Ruby: Oh good idea I'm going to ask my mom to bake some cookies


So the rest of the day I helped my mom bake cookies, at least when she gone home around 3pm, I did some prep work before that.

Calie's Diary: Falling In (Really?)Where stories live. Discover now