Tuesday September 26th

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Picture of Jeff ---------------------------------------------------------->


Tuesday September 26th

Sunday, I went to Ruby’s to hang out with everyone.  Quinn told us about her date with Sam, it sounds like Sam really likes her. Katy also came over and told her about her visit to The University of Oregon. She met a cute freshman, Nate; hopefully he will help her get over Jack and Miranda, because it looks like they are a couple.

So today, Tyler had a soccer game, so Ruby and I went, but more on that later, first the school day.

So the day was going normal, well if normal counts Derek being his normal self so yeah normal. Anyway so I got to lunch and Quinn was sitting with Sam, Jeff, Derek and some other guys (I don't know who would sit with Derek I think they were juniors from the football team because most of the seniors sit with Eric at the more popular table.) Anyway I asked Ruby why she was sitting over there,

Ruby said "Apparently Tyler told their parents that Quinn was hanging out with some people from the wrong crowd."

"What?" I said.

Ruby said "I guess he said Sam hangs out with a bunch of people who are not on the right course or something like that, so her parents told her she couldn't see Sam anymore, which is just going to make her want him more."

Katy said "Yeah you always want what you can't have."

Ruby said "Yeah it's crazy because if they ever met Sam they would realize he is the perfect gentlemen which is what she told them said but her parents obvious believed Tyler because they didn't think he would have any reason to lie."

"But why would he say that?" I said.

Ruby said "Well I think he doesn't like Derek and Sam hangs out with Derek so maybe that's why he said that."

"That doesn't make sense" I said.

Katy said "Maybe he is just being an overprotective brother."

Ruby said "I doubt it, he's never care about Quinn flirting or dating other guys before."

Katy said "well she was never really serious with anyone."

Ruby said "Yeah and Tyler gets along with Sam."

Katy said "That's true, I don't know."

Ruby said "anyway Quinn is mad at Tyler; I think she might be mad at you too." She looked at me when she said this.

"What why?" I said.

Ruby said "well if she followed the dots like me then she would think it is partly your fault, I mean it totally isn't I mean it's not your fault Derek likes you and Tyler is jealous."

"This is crazy Derek doesn't even like me like that" I said.

Ruby and Katy exchanged a look.

Ruby said "maybe he heard about you hanging out with Derek on Saturday."

"From whom" I said.

Mai said "who knows there were a lot of people there on Saturday that saw you guys talking about leaving together."

Ruby said "well anyway Quinn isn't going to the game obviously."

Katy said "yeah I don't think she is going to talk to Tyler for a while."

Ruby said "maybe you should say something to Tyler."

"Me? I don't want to get involved" I said.

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