Monday December 11th

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Monday December 11th

Yesterday was Derek's party, even though I was not really in the mood I figured I should go anyway I did say I would, and it's better than mopping around the house.

When I got up on Sunday my eyes were really puffy. So I took an extra-long shower, it made myself feel better. It was still only 8am. So I went on Facebook, despite not really wanting to. Yep there is was Calie Pearson went from being "in a relationship to "single" Yeah that's depressing.

So I just put on some Taylor Swift and lay back in bed until my mom knocked on my door and asked if I wanted some breakfast, I wasn't really hungry but I didn't want to be rude. So I joined my mom in the kitchen.

She made pancakes, I had one.

"Don't you want more" my mom asked.

"No I'm full, there is going to be a bunch of food at the party anyway" I said.

"Alright, are you ok you seem kind of down" my mom said. (I guess I was acting kind of sad, I wonder why)

"Oh yeah I'm fine, well Tyler broke up with me" I said.

"Oh I'm sorry honey" my mom said.

"Thanks" I said.

"Well it’s his loss, you're a great girl and you'll probably find someone great in college, I met your father in college" my mom said.

"Oh I thought senior year was the best year of your life" I said.

"Oh it was, I had fun with my friends when you're young you have nothing to worry about in but in college, you're an adult I had to worry about paying for college, my parents didn't pay for school, then again in was a lot cheaper back then" my mom said.

"Yeah it the 50's" I said.

"I wasn't even born yet in the 50's, anyway I hear there are lots of cute boys in California" my mom said.

"Mom" I said. My mom laughed.

"You should enjoy the rest of your senior year, you have a lot of good friends here, then you can start you're next big adventure" my mom said. (I like the sound of that my next big adventure)

"Yeah, you should wake up Alex, I have to take him to Derek's party" I said.

"Alright I'll wake him up" my mom said.

Somehow Alex was ready to leave at 9:30, he ate like 10 pancakes before.

At least I didn't have to worry about running into Tyler at Derek's party, there was no way he was going to go, and he was probably working anyway.

When we got there, Derek answered the door.

"Hey you made it, games are about to start, Seattle is on at…" Derek said.

"Yeah Happy Birthday" I said.

"Thanks" Derek said and we went in. There were only a couple people, I only recognized Jeff by name.

I hoped Quinn was going to show up, even though she'd remind me of Tyler, I wasn't sure if Ruby or Katy were coming.

Then I texted Ruby. I knew that if I offered her details about my breakup, she'd be on her way over to the party.

Me: Are you going to Derek's party?

Ruby: No, hey you never texted me back yesterday

Me: Sorry I went to sleep, anyway if you want to talk I'm at Derek's

Ruby: You are?

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