~Chapter 26-Remember me bye~

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You stare up at the dolls on the ceiling, rubbing the new bruise on your arm.

Just as expected, Error did hurt you. He grabbed your arm and squeezed really hard. Now you have a bruise in the shape of a hand and fingers.

Fresh was going to kill him if you told him. But you didn't plan to.

You cover the bruise back up, cringing when the sleeve fell back over the dark purple spot. You assumed it was nighttime because Error didn't show back up, meaning he went to torture another innocent soul. Tears pooled at the bottom of your eyes, your body shaking.

What if Fresh didn't come back and you were stuck in this place forever?

"Nah, he wouldn't do that." You whisper, wiping away the tears that wanted to slide down your face.

You waited patiently, hoping and wishing Fresh would show up. The more time alone you spend in the anti-void, the more insane you go. Luckily, you had Fresh to keep you company.

A loud crack echoed through the endless white room, making you snap your head over to see Fresh stepping out of a portal. You smile, getting up and running over to him.

"Yo, (Y/n)-" You cut him off by hugging him close.

"Thank you for coming back." You mumble, letting go and shuffling back.

"Like I would leave my rad homie in a totally whack place like this." He sets his hands on his hips, giving you one of his famous smiles.

"Good choice of words, bro." You smile, making him shrug.

"I know right?"

Another skeleton stepping through the portal makes your eyebrows furrow.

"Ink?" You question, making his jaw drop.

"(Y/n)?" He questions back, rubbing his temple.

"I needed a little help." Fresh admits, making you roll your eyes.

"What am I doing here?" Ink asks Fresh, crossing his arms.

"Heh, funny thing is, you need to keep Error away from (Y/n) while I get her out of here." Fresh points to you, turning very serious.

Ink watches your expression change from worried to pure sadness. Fresh pats your shoulder, trying to keep you from crying. You weren't just acting this time. These were real tears.

"Ugh, fine. But you better hurry." He hisses quietly.

Fresh nods, reaching down and grabbing your hand. You're then pulled to the portal of swirling colors. Before he pulls you in, you retract your hand from his and run over to ink, smiling gratefully.
"Thank you..."

He blushes, feeling a little fuzzy from the gratfulness you were showing.

"No problem. Now go!" He pushes you back towards Fresh.

You give him one last thankful nod, turning to Fresh and lacing your fingers with his. Fresh jumps into the portal and you jump behind him.

Not even a second after, you're stumbling on the other side. Fresh catches you and laughs.

"Always ultra rough the first times!"

You grab your head, instantly laughing at his little comment. He gives you a confused look before his face twists into shame.

"So uncool, (Y/n)."

"Sorry, my dirty mind is always at work." You say between giggles.

After composing yourself, you take the time to look around. Your eyes light up when you realize it's the waterfalls you love so much.

"I'm home! I'm really home!" You cheer, turning back to Fresh who rubbed his arm and frowned.

Your smile fades.

"Aw, Fresh," You put a hand on the side of his face.

"You're super radical, and I don't know what I'll do without visiting you everyday." He admits, his cheeks becoming a dark purple with embarrassment.

"We talked about this... You can visit me anytime you want! Actually, I'm going to miss the visits too. What am I going to do without my best friend?"

He takes off his shades and shoves them into your hands, giving a guilty smile.

"Just a little thing so you'll remember me..."

You look down at his shades, confused by his choice of words.

"What do you-"

"I won't be able to come back." He puts a finger to your lips.

"Error will come after you, and I don't want that to happen. I'll keep him away from you while you get your life back." He closes his eyes, sighing.

"You are a part of my life now! I can't just not ever see you again!" You wail, clenching your jaw.

"Maybe I'll come back, but I doubt it." He opens his eyes, regret shining through every part of him.

You drop his shades and wrap your arms around his torso, never wanting to let go. His arms slide around your waist and hug you closer, setting his head down on yours.

"I'll miss you," you wrap his jacket fabric in your hands, trembling from fear that you'll never see him again.

"Me too." He pulls away, leaving you feeling upset.

"I'll... I'll see you later." He goes to walk to the portal but you stop him.

You grab both sides of his face, kissing the corner of his teeth. His eyes widen as you smile.

"To remember me bye." You whisper, pulling away to let him go.

Your eyes fill with tears as you pick up his shades and run from the scene. He watches you leave, his chest tightening. A soft chuckle passes through his teeth, a soft smile spreading across his face.

"I'll see you again. I promise."


I ship it. *points to you and Fresh*

But I also ship it. *points to you and Papyrus*

I have a plan for everything- MWHAHAHA- *CHOKES ON LE FEELS*

Silently Sleeping (Underswap!Papyrus x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang