~Chapter 22-Good in everyone~

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You gasp, sitting up and violently coughing. You clutch your chest, heaving forward to spill your insides. Your stomach churns as you release everything in your stomach. When you get done and open your eyes, they become wide with horror.

A black, drippy substance splattered against the purple bed sheets, dripping off the side of the bed and onto the rug below. Your fingers go to your lips, feeling the blackness on your fingers. It was thicker than blood.

You wipe away the remaining goo with the back of your hand, just wanting to get back to Papyrus and Sans. You throw yourself off the bed, stumbling out of the room, head spinning with all kinds of thoughts.

What if Sans goes crazy again? What if Papyrus can't remember you? What was that black stuff?

You scurry down the hallway, catching a glimpse of that goat monster on your way past. Freezing in your tracks, you see him looking directly at you. You shake your head, focusing on getting to Papyrus. When you get to the stairs, you hear him speak up behind you.

"It's not real."

You turn back, only to see no-one there. Your eyebrows furrow, leaving you completely confused. Clearing your mind of the confusion, you race down the stairs, almost tripping on your own feet.

"Please let them be okay!"


You sprint down the snowy path, so many emotions swelling inside of your heart. The nervousness was real.

You come to a stop at the gate, taking a deep inhale to calm your nerves. When you hear the snow crunch behind you, you instantly whip around and pull Papyrus into a hug.

"Please remember. Please remember!" You mumble, hugging him as tight as you could.

A soft pat on the head makes you ease, falling into his loving embrace.

"How could I forget my dorky girlfriend?" He chuckles, picking you up and swinging you around.

"You can't." You reply, being placed back down on the ground.
He grabs the back of your sweater, putting you on the other side of the gate, teleporting beside you after.

"Papyrus!" A familiar voice calls out.

When Sans runs up in front of you and his eyes start to sparkle when he sees you, you couldn't help but tear up.

"MAH BABEH!" You tackle him in a hug, making him gasp and hit the ground.

"P-Papy the human is scaring me!" He squeals, blushing a dark blue.

You clear your throat, getting up and dusting off the snow, acting like nothing happened. Sans picks himself up, his fun loving smile giving you chills.

"Alphys will be so proud of me!" He beams, his eyes getting bigger than they ever have.

"Nope. This human isn't for kidnapping." Papyrus tsks, thumping his brother on the forehead.

"I, The Magnificent Sans, don't completely agree with your decision, but okay!" He rubs his forehead, turning around and running away, laughing his usual fraze.


You breath out, closing your eyes and frowning. You can no longer see him the same way as you did when you first met him. All you see now is a shell of faulty happiness and an inside of insanity. Papyrus ruffles your hair, snapping you out of your worried daze.

"We'll save him. It's okay, kid."

You bite your lip, exhaling deeply. Looking up with a smile, you tilt your head. Papyrus puffs out smoke, raising his browbone at you.

"I'm glad someone else other than me cares about him." You walk forward, leaving Papyrus dumbfounded.

He never thought of it until now, but Sans never had real friends. They only used him, and tricked him without a care. He was lucky to have you for a best friend, but now he knows that Sans isn't as innocent as he makes himself out to be. But he's still his little brother, and he'd stop at nothing to help him. Even if it meant dying. You would do the same thing.

"Yeah, me too." He comments back, following close behind you.

You look back at him, eyes glimmering with love and worry.
"What if we can't save him? What if he's stuck in this murderous loop?" You look down at your feet as you walked, feeling guilty for asking.

"If we have to, I'll call Error. But I want to use that option last. He's coldhearted, and treats everyone like they are a slave. I guess Sans saw some good in him. Heh... he always does."

You twiddle your thumbs, brushing some hair from your nose with a flick of your finger. Papyrus loves him unconditionally, and you do too.

Now you know Sans can see good, but everyone that acts good goes insane eventually. And everyone angry and cruel becomes nice over time.

But when they're too far gone, they can't be helped.

"Yeah, he does. I just wish he could see the good in himself."

Silently Sleeping (Underswap!Papyrus x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now