"Oh hoo look how possessive someone is from now" Hina api teased.

"Apiiiii" I whined hiding my face in the pillow making them giggle.

"Okay okay we will not tease..But we should be ready for anything like.Who knows someone very handsome is written in your destiny" Hina api said.

"Hamm I don't want to think about it I am sleepy" I said closing my eyes.

"Yes it's been a long journey for you take rest and your dress is on the chair . Be ready and come down after you wake up" hina api smiled.caressing my cheecks.

"Hmm" I nodded smiling at her.

"Please call Daud" I said to sana

"Sure sure your hero will be presented to you" she winked going not before missing the pillow I sent in her direction.

Securing the royal blue veil around me I scrutinized myself in the mirror to see if it looks good.
I was wearing the dress that humaira aunty bought for me . It was a beautiful royal blue gown with scattered pearls all around.

The dress which phuphee had selected for me was to uncomfortable for me it had net sleeves for which I wasn't able to find the right cardigan so I decided to wear this instead.

Clearing my room I headed out to see what everyone is upto that's when I saw Umar coming this way seeing me he smirked and stopped in front .

The first thing I see is him when I wake up . Today is going to be a perfect day..sigh

"Someone has finally decided to show up" he raised his eyebrows.

"How was your trip?"he asked

"It was good" I replied shortly

"You do realize you shouldn't have gone" he said making me conscious by his gaze.

"Why?" ,I asked

"Not all why's should be answered some should be solved by your own skills" he pointed..

" But no problem next time you won't" he added confidently.

"Uh I have to go" I said

"I haven't stopped ,you.can go" he said moving aside.

I wanted to run away at that instant but I.wasn't sure that I wouldn't fall in my dress so I didn't take any chances.

"My child your awake ,did you sleep well" phuphee asked coming up the stairs

"Yes I did".I nodded.

"That's great we are just about to.have lunch and I was coming to call you and umar! She smiled
" have you seen Umar?" She asked

"Um yes he went that way" I pointed

"Would please call him for lunch we are waiting for you all?" She asked.


"His room is that one" she pointed at the last room.

"Go fast we all are waiting" she patted my arm.

What's the wrong thing have I done today...

"Areesha where are you going?" Amir asked from behind when I reached close to his room

There is no place left in the house where I am not questioned about my doings

"Umm to call Umar" I said turning around

"There are many people to call him you don't have to go" he said.

"Phuphee told me" I replied monotonous

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