My mom hangs up and Jc looks up at me. "K-Kyle's in the hospital." I tell him.

He sits up from my lap and brings me into his. I cry into his chest. Kyle was the closest thing I had to a best friend and to hear that he's hurt, in a hospital is killing me.

Jc rubs my back "hey, he'll be okay Sam. Your mom says he's doing okay. Do you want to go see him? Maybe tomorrow?"

I slowly look at Jc "he's in T-Texas." He nods.

"I know, I heard, but I have family in Texas. So we could stay and you could be close to your brother." He smiles.

I can't help but to smile a small smile back. "But what about our jobs?" I easily get worried over the smallest of things.

"I'm sure your employers will understand." I nod, I'm sure Brandon will give me a night off at the café. And I don't have any photo shoots scheduled.

This can't be happening, everything is going way to fast.

I get up from Jc's lap and walk to the living room. "What's wrong?" I hear Jc's voice ask.

He walks down the stairs and looks at me. "Jc, we can't do this. We can't kiss, we can't plan trips, he can't almost do the you know. I promised my self I wouldn't do this again but here I am." I say sighing.

"Plus, I just broke up with JJ. After 1 and a half years." I add.

"JJ was terrible Sam. He deserved it, and I know you didn't even love him. I could see it." Jc says walking closer to me.

"No, you don't get it. I did love him, but seeing you again made me realize I love you more, but I don't know if I can do this again. You out off all people know how hard our break up was." I tell him.

He walks over to me and wraps his arms around my waist. I don't try to move. His arms are a sense of comfort for me.

"Sam, we were young, and got betrayed by people close to us. I never stopped loving you." "J-" "no let me finish, god, I never got you out of my mind, I tried so hard, I went through some bad times but still never forgot you. You are my everything and I love you so much." He confessed, still holding me.

I break down in tears "w-why was I not good enough for him? Why did he need to cheat on me in our home?!" Jc pulled me into his chest and I sobbed into it.

He rubbed my back "Samantha look at me." He pulls away and I look up at him.

"He is a stupid rat who doesn't even deserve an eye lash from your body. If he can't see how amazing, funny, beautiful, and wonderful you are then he doesn't deserve you. He sure as hell doesn't deserve your tears and you know it."

I stared up at Jc for a while. I grabbed his face and pressed my lips to his. The taste of salt coming from the tears filled my mouth.

Jc pulled away and wiped the tears from my face and smiled at me.

A question popped into my head "why was I the only person at the event wearing all white?"

"I wanted to be yin and yang with you. You're the good in me, and I'm the bad in you. Well the recklessness." Jc said while blushing.

I stood there staring at him in awe. Justin Caylen was going to be the death of me. I couldn't think of what to say, I was overwhelmed with emotions.

"I gotta get home and see if JJ left." I mumble. Jc's expression turned into a frown.

"Do you want me to come with you?" He asked while holding my hand.

"If JJ is still there for any reason I don't want him to start shit with you." I sighed. In reality, I didn't want Jc to hurt JJ.

"What if he hurts you again." Jc says with a certain sound of anger in his voice.

"I won't let him. Okay? I've known him long enough to deal with him." Jc hesitatingly nods.

"Bye Jc." I kissed his cheek and turned to walk away by he gently grabbed my arm.

"Let me drive you home." I nod and slip on my shoes and grab my dress, clutch and phone.
Jc and I arrive to my apartment complex and he lets out an exasperated sigh.

I smile at him "you're still wearing my clothes." Jc says.

"Well I'm keeping them." I smirked. He smiles and leans over the seat and kisses my forehead.

"Text me if you need anything." Me says against my forehead and butterflies swirl around in my stomach.

He's made me really happy in these last few hours than JJ has for a long while.

I get out of his precious jeep and watch him drive away. I should have asked him to stay. I want him to stay. Make up your mind Sam.

I walk up the stairs to the hall way containing about 7 apartments and go the the 3rd one. After unlocking the door I opened it hoping to see his shit gone.

It was, from what I could see with the little light from the hall way.

I walked into the dark room and turned on the light and closing the door.

I walk into the kitchen and noticed a dark silhouette standing by sink looking out the window. I quietly grabbed the candle that was on the counter, ready to attack if he tried anything.

"H-hello?" I stumbled over my words and turned on the light.

The person turned around and sent me a warm smile and opened up his arms.

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I wrapped my arms around his torso. He wrapped his arms around my frame and set his chin on my head.

"I missed you so much dad."
Sorry for taking FOREVER but school started and I had to get focused. I hope you like the chapter.

again -jc caylen- discontinued :-(Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя