(19) Laxus x Exceed!Reader ~ Just Too Adorable

Start from the beginning

A creepy laugh suddenly echoes around the two, making them stop and turn their heads in every direction. They can't locate the owner of the voice and slowly walk until they are find a semi-large building. At the entrance, a grizzly, old man leans against a wall while flipping a coin. He has a shady look and bears what many will perceive as an evil grin.

Laxus spots a weird icon on the building's door and recalls that symbol as the mark for an rouge, dark guild named Magis Malum. (Latin for Evil Mage's according to Google Translate. Feel free to tell me if its incorrect.) The guild is known for being ruthless and careless. Having only a few dozen of members, the guild is constantly changing its location every few months and terrorizes small villages and towns.

Kicking off the wall, the old man slowly walks towards Laxus and (Y/n) with a long, bony finger pointing at the two. His hand wavers, but still stays pointed at them as he grumbles unintelligible words under his breath.

"Tch. Speak up, old man. Can't hear ya'," Laxus groans impatiently.

"You," the man yells with a hoarse voice," cannot be here! Who told you this location! All trespassers shall be met with a slow and painful death!! State your name!"

The man's use of the singular form of the word 'name' puzzles the blond dragon slayer. It takes a second before Laxus realizes that the man doesn't know about the exceed in his arms. Using it to his advantage, Laxus whispers to (Y/n) as quietly as he can without taking his eyes of the evil mage.

"Stay quiet and don't move, (Y/n). He doesn't know that I'm holding you. We'll use our secret plan."

(Y/n) nudges her nose inconspicuously against her partner's abdomen to signal her compliance and curls up tightly into a ball. Grunting, Laxus trudges forward to get closer to the man. They both stop with roughly 10 feet of space between them.

"C'mon, ya old geezer! Show me what ya got," Laxus taunts.

"Humph," the old man huffs in disbelief of the younger male's words. "I'll show you how Magis Malum takes care of nuisances like you, you brat!"

An orb of magic energy with the coloration an incredibly dark shade of blue materializes into the man's wrinkly hand. He hurtles it at the blond with little effort and immediately summons another in place of the spent one. Laxus sidesteps to the left, avoiding the dangerous orb by a fraction of a second.

Another orb is about to be hurtled at Laxus when a ball of (h/c) shoots towards the old man. (Y/n), who is curled into a small ball no bigger that the average human male's head, goes flying at the old man and latches onto him upon contact. The man jumps in surprise and looks down at the feline being attached to his coat.

"Pwease don't hurt my partner, mister evil man. I wuv him vewy much and I don't wanna see him get hurt," (Y/n) pleads with tears rushing out of her large (e/c) eyes.

Blinking, the old man can't stop himself from being mesmerized by the little exceed's overall adorableness. She bats her long eyelashes several times and juts out her lower lip for additional effects. Her efforts to keep Laxus from being attacked works and the man waves away the orb of magic energy away.

"Waaahhh, you're so cute. I could be the happiest mage in the world with you by my side! How much for her?!"

(Y/n) shudders in disgust and runs to hide behind Laxus's legs with an anguishing cry. The blond chuckles and scoops her up into his arms.

"She ain't for sake, old man," he explains," We're partners. Partners always have each other's backs. You don't abandon your partner. No matter what someone offers."

A solid punch lands on the old man's face as soon as Laxus finished his mini lesson. Laxus grabs the coat collar and behinds to drag the old man behind him with one hand, while he cradles his cute, little exceed in the other.

"Be lucky that you're too adorable for this world. You could've gotten hurt if not for your adorableness."

"Okay, Mommy," (Y/n) replies with a slightly sarcastic tone.

"What did you just say?"


A/N: Please forgive me for the slow updates. School is, once again and usually always, to blame for this. I'm going back and forth between this book and another, so I'm sorry if there is about a week before the next one-shot! I'll be trying to write more on the weekends!

I hope you guys enjoyed this one-shot! Have a nice day!

I hope you guys enjoyed this one-shot! Have a nice day!

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