(20) Adulterous!Natsu x Reader ~ Too Late For Second Chances {Modern AU}

Start from the beginning

~Mini Time Skip~

The door of the apartment creaks open as Natsu tries to stealthily slip in through a small opening. He knows from experience that his (h/c) girlfriend is easily awakened by the loud, creaky door no matter how tired is or how deeply she is sleeping. The pink haired male gently shuts the door and begins to tug off his suit jacket and tie. Soft thudding of his shoes hitting the floor echo slightly in the room, but isn't loud enough to awaken (Y/n).

Disheveled pink hair is ruffled with one hand while Natsu's other hand opens the refrigerator to dig through the small, cooling appliance for food. Onyx eyes spot a large container with a sticky note attached to the side. Natsu grabs the food and reads the note.


This container has what I made for dinner. Whether or not to heat it up is
your decision. There should be enough for you to eat. If not, you'll
have to wait until breakfast!


The man feels a twinge in his heart after reading the note. He sets the note aside and slowly eats his cold dinner in the dimly lit kitchen. Once he finishes, the container and eating utensils are set in the sink and left there for (Y/n) to wash when she wakes up.

Natsu tiredly drags his feet into the bedroom with his body hunched over in exhaustion as he walks. His remaining clothes are torn off himself and thrown at the foot of the bed. He slowly sits onto the bed and sinks into the soft mattress with a sigh of relief. (Y/n) stirs and latches onto Natsu's arm while murmuring his name in her sleep. Before he can do anything, (Y/n) rolls over to his side of the bed and snuggles into his warm body.

"I love you, Natsu..." (Y/n)'s sleep-laced voice murmurs once again.

"I-I... I love y-you..too," Natsu hesitantly whispers before pressing a gentle kiss on her head. He feels another twinge in his heart as he wraps his arms around (Y/n), drifting off to sleep.

~Time Skip Again~

White beams of sunshine pierce through the (f/c) and red curtains in the bedroom windows. Angelic chirps of a variety of birds serve as a soothing wake up call. (Y/n)'s eyes flutter open to see the world as a blurry blob of colors. A few seconds later, her eyes adjust to the change and her gaze lands on the snoring lump beside her. Wild tufts of pink hair are sticking out in every direction and tickle (Y/n)'s nose, making her sneeze with a small squeak.

A strong arm reaches over to (Y/n) and grabs her by the waist. Her body gets pulled against Natsu's warmer one and is squeezed tightly. Warm breaths of air are exhaled onto (Y/n)'s bare neck, causing her to squirm in Natsu's grip while giggling.

"N-Natsu! Hehe! T-That tickles!"

Natsu hums tiredly and presses his face into the crook of her neck. A gentle smile forms on her lips. (Y/n) pecks his cheek while slipping out of the warm, comfortable bed.

"Nooo," the pink haired male whines with a hoarse voice. "Stay in bed with me, L- (Y/n)."

(Y/n) frowns with confusion at what Natsu began to say before cutting himself off by saying her name. She decides to shrug it off, believing that his only half awake self isn't fully aware of what he's saying.

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