He gave me one last frown before doing as I asked and leaving the cafe with the ring of the bell. 

"I'll just have a Grande Cinammon Latte, please,"she smiled, answering my previous question.

As I was fixing up her drink, she continued with her crazy fantasies,"He is obviously fascinated with you."

I couldn't help but to snort,"Yeah. Because I'm the only girl who doesn't fall at his feet and beg for him to let me into his bed."

I immediately regretted my vulgar words to a customer that I was supposed to be serving,"I'm sorry. That was rude of me."

"Oh, honey. Don't worry about it. I know his type. The so-called 'players' have been around for a long time. I fell for one once upon a time. People told me it was the biggest mistake of my life,"she said, a mischevious smile on your lips.

"Did he break your heart like all the other girls?"I said, hoping not to upset her.

"No. I married him. To this day he has remained loyal to me and I wouldn't change my decision to forgive him all those years ago,"she said, pointing to a man in the corner booth who gave a small smile. You could tell, despite the beginning of wrinkles and the slight grey that was trying to overtake his hair, he was very handsome. He must have been a true pantie-dropper in his college years. Just like Roy.

"What did he do to make you have to forgive him?"I asked.

She just gave a slight shake of her head,"He broke up with me. Started dating another girl only a day later."

I gave her a baffled look,"Then how did ya'll end up back together?"

"I came to find from a reliable source that he did it in an attempt to protect me."

"What from?"

"Himself. The silly boy was convinced that he was bad for me, but little did he know that I would not let go of my own litle drug that easily,"she smiled, unconsciously toying with her glittering wedding ring.

I rolled my eyes,"You do realize that you just quoted Twilight, right?"

She just chuckled,"Of course I did. I never claimed to be a hopeless romantic or a poet. Who says I can't borrow a few inspiring words from a vampire romance flick."

I just chuckled, too, happy to have met this lady,"So, then he finally gave in to temptation and threw caution to the wind. And then happily ever after."

"Pretty much. But you must keep in mind that even happily ever afters can have bumps in the road and that that is just part of life and being in love. No one ever said that it was easy, but it sure is worth it. I hope that you find that out in the future, even if it isn't with that dashing young man from earlier,"she said, grabbing her drink from off the counter and going to sit down with her husband.

I just gave a sigh and looked up to find that I only had a few more minutes of work before I was free to enjoy the rest of my Sunday before classes tomorrow. I wiped down the counters, making sure they were clean for the next shift, taking off my apron and bidding a farewell to all of my coworkers that still had work to do.

My mind wasn't in a whirlwind anymore and I happily walked into the local grocery store, untucking my green shirt and undoing a few buttons as I went. Finally as far away from my uniform as I could get, I grabbed a shopping basket and set about the task of collecting some items that Jess and I would need for meals and snacks.

Picking up a loaf of bread and setting it in my cart, I was alerted of someone else coming into the shop by the bell above the door chiming. I paid no attention to it as I continued to gather food items, but my ignorance was cut short as I glanced up to see Henry entering the aisle that I was in. He hadn't noticed me yet, but I was determined to find out what was bothering him.

Stolen Kisses (NaNoWriMo 2013)Where stories live. Discover now