(20) Confession & Delusion

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"What do I mean? I wanted to rip that thing off your body so badly... Now that we are all alone here, shall we begin?" 

'NO! Why!? Why didn't I see this coming!? What do you I do now!?' 

Being unable to speak, unable to move. I just cried out, tears bursting out of my eyes praying for someone out there would hear me out and save me.

'..someone please!..' 

Haizaki pulled the neck of the dress and tried to tear it down, but at that right moment the door slide open and I voice roared out his name. I didn't know if I was fortunate or something else, but seeing HIM standing at the door made me respect him more.

"HAIZAKI! How dare you touch her?!" 

Haizaki left me down and Seijuro stomped in grabbing Haizaki by his collar. He looked so furious and mad. His red eyes were darker and filled with anger. This was the first time that Seijuro was so furious, this side of him was all new to me.

"Akashi! I expected you here, I was just about to rip that-" 

"Haizaki, Don't get on my bad side.." Akashi said in a dark tone and Haizaki's facial expressions changed suddenly.

"Y-You can't intimidate me like tha-" 

"Just get away from her, don't even roam around this city anymore. I would have trashed you oit of the basketball team eventually. But you better get trashed in some isolated place and I'll make sure that happens.." 

He loosened his grip on his collar and walked towards me, I was just hugging my knees and sobbing. When he touched my head and I startled and impelled back until I saw him,

"You will see an end to this Akashi.." 


He turned towards me and pulled towards him, wrapping his arms around and continuously patting head and back. 

"Hey don't cry now, it'll be all fine.." 

I looked at him and clamped to him, crying.

"Aka-Akashi I was scared, I thou- thought he would.."

"I'm here now... No one will hurt you." 

"I'm so scared Akashi.." 

He hugged me tighter before I could say anything further repeating only one thing again and again.

"I'm right here, no one will hurt you I promise.." 

He wrapped his jacket around me as I was shivering, due to all this that happened to me I had caught a fever and my head felt heavy. I was trying to retain my energy so that we could return home, meanwhile, Seijuro called our friends saying that we have left home early. 

When everyone was busy in the fireworks show and campfire, Seijuro carried me to his car and stopped by my apartment. We decided not to tell anyone about this incident.  Seijuro gave me some medicines and while tucking me to bed,

"Matsuzaki I have given antibiotics for your fever, it will come down by morning. We have a holiday tomorrow so don't worry about anything. If you need anything just give me a call and Yes, I'm leaving a maid here. Okay?" 

He said while he sat beside me on the bed, caressing my cheeks and head. I unconsciously got a hold of his hand while he was about to leave.

"Akashi.. please.. Stay here.. with.. me.." 

I never heard what he replied as I fell into deep sleep. Next day morning I woke and immediately my eyes looked at the clock.

"10.30!!" I yanked myself and saw Seijuro in front of me.

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