(16) The Past Arc - II

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"Ohayo, Shintaro!"

"Ohayo... You're late Nozumi.."

"Eto... Gomen, Gomen!"

"You are hopeless, Nanodayo.."

"That's so rude of you! As if you never get late, you're not even late for class - AND what the hell is this!?"

I pointed to the panda figurine he was holding with his left hand, as we walked through the roads to school. As my condo was near to school, I always go home walking. While Shintaro uses the train to get here and we walk along. 

"It's a lucky item for today."


"Lucky Item, Nanodayo! Oha Asa predicted."

"Oh no, I leave you alone for a year and this happens to you -_-"

"What do you mean!?"

"Nothing. You had your Basketball Qualifiers yesterday, right?"


"So do you think you can pass? ¬_¬"

"Of course, Nanodayo! Man proposes God disposes. I even had my lucky item with me, there is 100% possibility."

"Can't you just say yes?"

"(╬ Ò ‸ Ó) Why did you even ask-"

"Oh look! We're at school, talk to you later during lunch! Tell me about your Team then!"

"I was still talking!"

"Buh-Byee! Shintaro!"

'Phew! He really didn't change! But what's with these horoscopes and lucky items =_= Oh, Never mind!'

I went walking in the classroom and there was the first I likely wanted to avoid. 

'No, not the first thing in the morning. But since we are class reps not talking at least formally would be kind of awkward. He would think I'm purposely avoiding him. Wait! I guess he doesn't even care... Argh!'


"Hah! Oh? Akashi-kun?!"



"Is something bothering you? You seem quite troubled."

"Huh? N-No N-Nothing!" 


While I was trying to take my seat and decide if I should say something to him or not. He came out of nowhere and started the word. Saying okay he flashed a smile. It was warm and welcoming, I didn't even hesitate to return the smile. After I took my seat and something crossed my mind,

'Which club did he chose?' 

"Uhm... Akashi-Kun?"


"Which club did you chose?"

"Me? Basket Ball."

"You too?" 


"My friend is a Basket Ball player as well!"

"Midorima Shintaro, is it?" 

"Yeah! right.. But how do you know about it?"

"I know everything." 


Before I could ask anything further, other students began to come. The girls who came early started surrounding him. Losing contact with him, I turned my head to the front. But no relief, a student from my class came to me and said,

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