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(A/N)Ok so yeah I almost died just about 5 mins ago so yeah I'm freaking out and yeah I need someone to hold me (preferably Austin or Liam...) I just ok ik u guys don't care lol but I'm literally shaking i... Ok seriously wish I had a boyfriend to cuddle RN :"( any volunteers ;] lol yeah no one would want me as their girlfriend lolzz ok actually it isn't that funny but it's true!

Anyways! So do u guys like my story?

(besides the fact I almost died! Not kidding seriously my mom instited on taking my to the hospital!)

Anyways will idk I'm bored (and freaking out [also wanting a boyfriend but whateves]) so bye ily guys

If I die... Tell Ariana, Little Mix, Austin Mahone, and 1D I love them! Lol ;] ok seriously tho Im shaking

Anyways! Luv ya!



Adopted by Ariana Grande?!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ