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(A/N) ok guys so I'm in Hawaii :) yay! Lol so I won't update tht much this week and next week I'm soooooooooooo sorry!!! Ilysm

And also if raping/abuse upsets u don't read this chapter.

Amelia's Pov -

"I'm gonna go up to bed." I say yawning. Austin nodded attention drawn to the TV.

I walk up the stairs to my room shutting the door behind me, sitting down on the end of my bed.

I let out a sigh of content when I felt the bed dip.

"Coco what are you-" I turned to come face to face with none other then Justin, Carter, and Tabitha. Carter smirked.

My eyes widened skin pale I got up and darted to the door hoping to get there before they grabbed me.

"Uh huh. Not so fast babe." Carter smirked grabbing me, pulling me into his chest. "Your coming with us."

I shook my head violently trying to pull myself from his tight grasp on my body.

"Too bad." Tabitha said smiling deviously.

Before I could even open my mouth to scream for help i blacked out. I could feel someone pick me up and carry me away as I drifted to sleep.

Austin's POV-

I had my attention to the TV.

'Breaking News: one of the worlds most wanted Carter Dole escapes from prison with help from brother and former women assaulter Justin Dole.' The announcer said

My eyes widened I didn't even think before running to Amelias room to see it empty with a note on the bed.

'Come and get her pretty boy'

I knew exactly who it was from "idiot!" I yell at myself. How could I let this happen how could I have not of heard them! Carter took Amelia and Justin most likely helped..

I ran to get my phone In case he called for ransom an my car keys. If only I knew where he was taking her. I'm such an idiot!

Amelia's POV-

I woke with a pain in my head. My head pounding in pain. I opened my eyes taking in my surroundings, what had happened came to me and my eyes widened.

"Your awake. Good." Someone said from behind me. "We have a lot of work to do."

I gulped. Shaking violently, I was terrified. What if he r...ra..raped me again. I backed up into the wall as I felt a hard hand connect with me face. Tears welled up in my eyes as my cheek started to sting.

"Aw did that hurt?" Justin Said carter smirking behind him.

"Please don't hurt me." I whimper turning my head

"Yeah sure." Justin chuckled kicking my fragile body I fell to the ground in a hep.

"Leave some for me." Carter butt in.

Justin smirked. "She's all yours." My eyes widened knowing what he meant.

"No please let go of me." I sobbed.

Ariana's POV-

I smile as I watched the cartoon TV show. I turned my head as my iPhone rung I picked it up.

"Hel-" I start.

"I think you owe me some money." A girls voice said

"Hello? Who is this I don't owe-" I start being cut off again.

"Actually. If you want those babies and Amelia to live you'll do as I say." A voice said. Tabitha's voice.

My eyes widened as she told me what I had to do. The phone went dead as tears rolled down my face.

I quickly dial Austin's number. "Hello?" A voice whimpered.

"Austin. Whe...where's Amelia." I sobbed.

"He has her. He took her when I least expected it. She went up to bed and she was gone." He said voice shaking.

"Austin you have to get her back." I sobbed.

"How did you find out she was gone?" Austin asked.

"Tabitha called.. An..and threatened saying she wou..would kill the babies and Amelia." I whimpered.

Austin cursed under his breathe. "Don't worry I'll get Mia back. Stay with Nathan ok. Let him protect you." Austin started

"No I'm coming with you." I say

"No your not, your pregnant Ariana. Just stay with Nathan till I get Amelia back ok." Austin whispers

"Ok." I croak. As Austin hung up

Where was my baby.

Amelia's POV-

My breathe picked up as I woke up from what happened. Bruises cover just about every inch of my body. Carter... Carter had ra-

I can't even say it.

I curled into a tight ball as silent tears rolled down my face.

'Austin please find me.' I silently prayed.

Austin's POV-

I didnt even know where Mia was how could I even find her!

Then it hit me. She might have her phone with her.. Maybe Justin was stupid enough to not check for a phone and she had it and I could track it.

I open the app on my phone.

I'm coming for you baby girl. I whispered to myself as I found her phone praying it was the right place.

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