Chapter Fifty Seven: I've Had Enough

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Hayes' POV
I pounced up the stairs to Emma's room, taking two at a time. I followed my way down the familiar hallways and looked at family photos.

Most of them were of Emma and her little brother Ben. Others were her and her family or her mom and dad.

I sighed as I laid my hand on the cold door knob. I took a deep breath as I opened the door.

Emma jumped up off her bed, grabbing the lamp from the bedside table. She stared at me, afraid. Her eyes were wet with tears and her face was bright red.

"Woah. It's just me." I said, putting my hands up in defence incase she launched the lamp in my direction.

Emma nodded and reluctantly put the lamp back.

"What do you want." She sniffled. "I just want to talk Emma." "Hayes I told you this already. I just don't think I'm ready. You-"

But that's when I lost it.

"Me?! Emma! Stop acting like in every situation you're the victim! It takes two to break up Emma! This isn't just my fault! I'm tired of feeling guilty because it's the only way to make you feel better. I'm tired of the way you talk to me when you're hurt.

I've changed a lot since our break up. And it's clear that you haven't. But no matter what I tell myself, I still love you. I love you so much it fucking hurts. But it hurts more that you don't even want to endure a little bit of pain just to talk to me! This could have been over a long time ago!

You always hang things over my head like I should feel guilty about it! I'm only human Emma! I'm not perfect! And no matter what you or anyone else thinks, you aren't either. We make mistakes.

Can't you see how much you're hurting me? You're tearing me apart! It's driving me insane! Please Emma! Please." I cried, tears falling off my checks. "I'm so god damn tired."

"I've had enough." I breathed, looking at her. She just sat there shell shocked. "I-I'm sorry." She said.

I sighed. "It's okay." "No." Emma said, walking closer to me. "It's not. I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry for not being the easiest person to love. I'm sorry for being the one constantly bringing you down. I'm sorry." She finished, holding my hand.

"It's just, a lot of things have been changing. And sometimes it's hard to change and adapt with the new things. We've never really fought before. I didn't know how to handle it. I'm sorry." She said, looking up at me.

"Maybe... Maybe it's best we just stay friends for awhile." I said, looking at her. She smiled and nodded. "I still love you though. There won't be a day that'll go by that I won't love you. It's just, maybe we need time to find ourselves. Adapt to these changes. Become better for each other." I said.

Emma nodded. "I know. I love you too." I smiled. "This isn't goodbye you know." She laughed a bit. "I know. You'd have to try 10x harder to fully get rid of me."

I chuckled.

"Hayes?" She asked, looking up at me. I hummed in response. "Can I kiss you?" My heart leaped at the question. "You know, just like a parting gift? A little see you later?"

I didn't say anything. I just leaned down and kissed her. Our lips moved in sync as a strong feeling of happiness filled my gut.

Something about kissing her again after all this time made my heart pound in my chest.

It's funny how you can love someone so much, that you have no choice but to let them go. Even for a little bit.

Because, in your heart, you know it's the best chance for them. For yourself. Love isn't buying each other gifts, or talking on the phone so much their voice echoes in your mind.

Love is about compassion. It's about trust. It's about knowing when to let go or hold on. It's about when to call them or when to decide that you need space.

We're all human after all. We don't truly belong to one another. Relationships take work.

Fairytales are called 'tales' for a reason. They're just stories. An idea of a life so fictional and beautiful, it becomes desirable.

And sometimes you just need to wake up and smell the fucking flowers.

There's a moment in everyone's life that you realize that life's hard. That just because you love someone, doesn't mean they'll love you back.

That celebrity you've always dreamed about, it becomes a saddening thought when you realize it doesn't matter weither they're single or not. Because it doesn't fucking matter.

It won't happen. Somewhere deep inside you, you knew this all along. But that didn't stop you from dreaming.

But sometimes, you become obsessed. You become sucked into a dream, you forget what reality you have left. Obsession is a scary thing. It haunts me in my dreams sometimes.

I'm not obsessed with Emma. I'm not obsessed over what my life may or may not become. What I've learned is that you live in the moment, this moment right now.

Because if you don't, do you really live at all?

My relationship with Emma has taught me about love. It's taught me about respect, and how sometimes you have to put yourself first. And that sometimes you need to stop being self absorbed and think about others.

It's taught me that love isn't about material things. It's about emotion. It's about how you can be happy with someone else. My relationship with Emma has taught me these things and much more.

And I can assure you, our relationship sure as hell isn't over.

HEY GUYS! I legit wrote this chapter really quick. Or at least, it felt like that to me.

Sorry there isn't much dialogue in this.

An a lot of what's in this chapter I relate to so much. A lot of the times when I write something my characters think, I write what I think.

Yeah. I kinda just low key ranted in this chapter but I still think it fits with what's happening.

And for all you people upset that Hayes and Emma aren't getting back together, well. Idk.

All I have to say is that sometimes things don't work out like you hope they would. Just because this is a story doesn't mean that Emma and Hayes staying friends is wrong.

It actually brings a lot of reality that I didn't have in this story. I'll admit there are some clichés but that's kind of unavoidable.

I wanna make this story relatable. Something that people can read and not feel bad their life isn't a story.

Anyway, thanks for reading this chapter and for the support all you guys give me. I extremely appreciate it.

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P.S.S: I don't appreciate hateful comments or insults to me directly because of what I wrote. That's disrespectful and will not be tolerated.

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