Chapter Fifty Three: Another Plan

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Cameron's POV
"Man, that's crazy." I said, unlocking the door to my house. I was on the phone with Nash who was telling me about the whole Hayes and Emma thing.

"I know man. I don't know what to do. I've never seen him like this. He's a bit better, but he's so out of it you know?" Nash said. I sighed, throwing the car keys on the kitchen counter.

"I know the feeling. I've been dealing with a lot these past few weeks. Life's just so hectic. Sometimes I just want to lay down and sleep forever." I said.

"Yeah, I heard about that. Sorry man. I know you were really excited for that baby." Nash said. You could tell I made the conversation a bit tense by the tone of his voice.

"It's fine." I said, walking into the living room. "Cameron!" Sam said, jumping off the couch smiling. Grace was sitting beside her and just looked at me.

"I have an idea!" Sam chirped. I nodded, feeling confused. "Um.. Uh.. Yea. I'm going to have to call you back Nash." I said, staring at Sam. I heard him chuckle on the other end.

"Sam have another idea?" He asked. "You guessed it." I said. Nash laughed. "Alright man, I'll let go. Catch you later."

Samantha's POV
"Are you sure this is such a good idea?" Cameron asked, rubbing his hand through his hair. I could tell he was exhausted by the dark bags under his eyes.

Tough day at work.

"Yes! If Emma and Hayes just talk about this, I know they'll both be happy!" I said.

My plan was to get Cameron to invite Hayes to the movies. I'd invite Emma, and we'd force them to talk.

"I don't know. You can't really talk in a movie theatre." Cameron said. "He has a good point." Grace replied. I glared at her. "Who's side are you on?!"

"Umm... Neither? I'm just saying that I don't thin-" "SHUTUP GRACE!" I said. "It's a great idea and it'll work!" I said, crossing my arms.

Cameron chuckled. "Okay, fine. We'll do it. But only because you're so adorable." He said, pecking my forehead.

I smiled and turned to Grace. "Ha! See?! I'm a genius!"

Grace scoffed. "Please. He just did that because he loves you." I pouted. "Don't you love me?" I asked. "No, not really." She answered, smiling at me. I laughed and stuck my tongue out at her.

"Okay. I'll leave you guys alone. It's getting late. Umm... Meet me at the theatre at 2?" I asked, looking towards Cameron.

"Huh?" He asked, shaking his head. "Oh! Yeah!" He answered. Grace laughed. "Man Cameron, go to bed. You look terrible."

"I'll have you know I always look amazing." Cameron said, flipping his imaginary long hair. I laughed and pecked his lips.

"Night." I said, smiling as we pulled apart. "Love you." Cameron smirked and kissed me again. "GET A ROOM!" Grace yelled, throwing a pillow at my back.

"Okay." Cameron said, picking me up and slinging me over his back. I shrieked. "Cameron! Let me down!" "Never!" He shouted, climbing the stairs.

"Use protection children!" Grace shouted. I growled. "GRACE I AM SO GOING TO KILL YOU ONCE HE LET'S ME DOWN!" Grace just smirked.

"Good luck with that."

Once Cameron had put me down, I left, calling Emma about the movie.

"Yeah! Sure I'm down!" Emma chirped over the phone. "Great. I'll pick you up tomorrow."

"Okay! See you then!" Emma said, hanging up.

I sighed as I hopped in my car and drove home. I hummed to some songs as I drove and thought.

I really hoped this worked. I hated seeing Emma and Hayes like this. I know they still love each other. They were so miserable. Emma never really showed it, but I knew deep down she was killing herself over the breakup.

If I could just help them, send them on the right track to be together, it would all be worth it.

I felt kind of bad pulling this behind their backs though. I just knew they wouldn't purposely go talk to one another. Why? Because that'd just make to much sense.

And with people, they always somehow do the thing that never makes sense.

I just hoped that when they saw each other, they'd at least try to talk. I hoped they wouldn't flip out and actually just give one another a chance to say things that they won't come out and confess.

I wished that when they saw each other they'd just automatically be better and everything would be back to normal. I wished that's how things worked.

But this wasn't a story. This wasn't some fairytale or romance movie where everything automatically fixes itself through precise planning.

This was real life. And in real life nothing came to you like you want. If Emma and Hayes really want each other back, they'll have to fight for it.

They've been stuck in a loop and haven't gotten out. I just hoped that Cameron and I could just show them the way, give them a gentle nudge in the right direction.

God, I really hoped this worked.

Hey guys! Sorry for such a boring and short chapter! I've had a really busy schedule this past week and I really need to write some chapters so you guys have something to read.

I haven't had much time and I'm super sorry. This is just one of those chapters that I have to write to make the story progress.

My schedule is squashed right now. Hoping that I'll be able to write some good chapters ahead of time before I go camping on the 26-29.


This chapter isn't that good and was written in one sitting. It's just a filler chapter. I'm sorry I suck. I promise that the other one will be better!

Anyway, thank you for reading this chapter anyway!

Love you guys all so much!



Editors Note: Sorry for the late update! I gave myself some time to write some new chapters so I'm covered when I go camping!

Oh! And also, I've decided once school starts, updates will go from 2 days to 3 days. Just to give me time to write and keep up with school work.

Hope you guys understand.

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