Chapter One: WHAT?!

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Samantha's POV
I smiled as I walked into the gym, my sneakers squeaking on the shining floor. I saw a couple of my teammates on the floor already, warming up for the game.

I walked to the bench and introduced myself to the other coach and their team captain. Sort of a thing I do. I have to set a good image for my team.

What are captains for?

I scanned the bleachers as I saw a wave of green and white, our school colours, on the bleachers. They were separated from the dark black and red of the other team, getting ready to scream until their lungs burned.

A couple students and family members were just sitting down, causing the wave of colours to connect in places, looking like waves fighting against each other.

My best friend, Emma Parker, was in the front of the bleachers sitting with her family. She was currently yelling at her younger brother Ben to stop being annoying.

Grace Dallas, my other best friend, came to stand beside me in her own jersey. She was my assistant and helped me make drills for our team. "You'd think Ben would learn his lesson." Grace said, laughing at Ben as he got hit in the back of the head by Emma.

I chuckled slightly as I saw Grace's twin, Cameron, walk through the gym doors with girls on his arms. I rolled my eyes. "Tool." I whispered under my breath. Grace shot me a glare.

"What?!!" I said, putting my hands up in defence. "I'm just telling the truth."

Grace sighed, her brown eyes flying away from me to look at her brother for a second. "I know, I just, ugh." She sighed, running her hand through her brunette hair.

"It's just I wish that he wasn't." She looked down at her shoes and then walked away, pulling her hair up in a ponytail.

I felt my eyes follow her, guilt filling my stomach. I shouldn't have said that. Her and Cameron are super close and she loves him, she just wish he didn't get so many detentions.

Once, I told her she sounded like a mom. She didn't appreciate that comment very much. The next thing I knew, I was pinned against my locker with her brown eyes glaring into my hazel ones.

I laughed at the memory. I pulled my dirty blonde hair up into a ponytail as I watched Cameron and the girls sit down beside Emma and her brother.

Then, his eyes landed on me. I glared at him as he smirked playfully. What is he thinking? I wondered. The girls beside him shot me death glares and I quickly went to grab a basketball and practice.

I could feel his eyes watching me. I then turned around to see him right in my face. I scoffed. "What do you want, Dallas?" I asked, not so politely.

"Give Grace this." He said, shoving a water bottle in my hand. "She forgot it."

I rolled my eyes. "Yo! Grace!" I said, causing my friend to look up at me. I chucked the water bottle at her, and she caught it expertly with one hand.

I then turned back to Cameron. "Anything else?"

His eyes lowered at me. "Yeah. Good luck." He then proceeded to return to his seat, waiting for the game to start. Oh how I despise him.

He was terrible when we were kids. He once cut my hair while I was sleeping. And another time when he pushed me down a slide causing me to break my arm.

He was a jerk. Especially now. I mean, he was a good guy, except he pranced around like the king of the school while girls everywhere swooned.

He disgusted me. But, he was a good brother. If someone hurt Grace at school or tried hitting on her, he'd be there in a heartbeat ready to beat the culprit up. I could respect that. But I still hated him.


The game was tying down, and we were flung onto the court. I had already gotten a lot of baskets, making the score 39-40. They were ahead, making me work 10000x harder.

Grace passed me the ball and I took the shot, the clock clicking down. 3, 2, 1. The ball went in, granting us a three pointer, making the WildCats win.

The whole team cheered as the bleachers went wild. I could hear Emma and Ben over everyone, them screaming some weird chant they hade made up.

I laughed as I chugged down my water. Then, the coach pulled me aside.

"Good game out there Sam." He said, not smiling. "Thanks coach. What's up?"

He sighed. "We need to talk..." A pit of nerves exploded in my stomach. I felt sick as I listened.

"Your grades in math, they're falling... And..." His face went white as he looked at me. At this point the team had gathered around to hear.

"And?!!" I said, getting angry and nervous. He sighed. "If you don't get your grades up by the end of the semester I'm going to have to take away your captaincy. Or worse."

"WHATS WORSE THAN THAT?!!" I screamed, wanting to punch something. Particularly the coach.

"I might have to kick you off the team."

Sorry for a semi-short chapter! I just wanted to get out one today so you guys could get a taste of the story! The next chapter will be better, I promise! This ones not really good, I apologize.

Anyway, please favourite, comment, and share this story please!! Love you all!


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